Never sleep in the same room with any coal burning stove.
Always empty the hopper when not burning for more than a week. When left standing for long periods with wet coal, the pusher block will rust and corrode, causing it to seize. If the stoker is then turned “on”, damage to the pusher assembly and feed motor will result. This will be considered neglect and will void the warranty on those parts. Always check to see if moving parts are free before using if the unit has not been burned for a period of time. This can best be determined by shaking the adjuster rod.
Freshly delivered coal is typically watered down to minimize dust when loading and unloading. Wet rice coal does not flow as well as damp or dry coal, and may bind or bridge in the hopper. We do not recommend loading your hopper with wet coal. If you must burn wet coal, the feed rate will likely need increased, in order to get the same size fire. As the wet coal in the hopper dries out, the feed rate will need decreased to avoid
Appliance Placement: The VF3000 must be installed on a
This boiler may be connected to an existing boiler heating system.
This unit must be connected to a chimney capable of providing a