6.2.4ALARMS CHECK MR700/720/730
1Rotate Temperature Control knob to 37 and check for an Airway Temperature Low alarm. (For an MR720 set to 40 °C and check for an Airway Temperature Low alarm).
2Rotate Temperature Control knob to 32 and check for an Airway Temperature High alarm.
3If ‘set low’ light is not already on, rotate the chamber control to
4Rotate the Temperature Control knob back to 36 and check that alarms cease and set low LED is off..
5Disconnect the Heater Wire plug and check for audio alarm and Heater Wire alarm light.
6Reconnect the heater wire. For MR720/730 models, turn the Heater Wire off and check for audio alarm and Heater Wire alarm light.
7Disconnect the 34.5°C temperature probe and check that the Temperature Probe LED flashes and gives an audio alarm.
8Insert the 41°C temperature probe into the humidifier and check that the Airway Temperature High LED flashes and the audio alarm sounds.
9Push the Mute button and check that the audio alarm is silenced
10Go to the engineering menu and check that the heaterplate duty cycle (Cdc) and heater wire duty cycle (Edc) are starting to decrease, this may take a few seconds.
11Turn off the humidifier.
12Humidifier is now ready for service.
♦34.5 °C and 41 °C test probes, available in MR700 series calibration kit (Fisher & Paykel part no. 900MR548).
♦A Full Humidification Chamber
1Slide the humidification chamber on to the heaterbase.
1Plug in the 34.5 °C test probe.
2Turn the Temperature Control knob to 32.0 °C.
3Turn on the humidifier main power switch.
4Check that 32.0 ± 0.2 °C flashes on the display during initialisation.
5Check for a display reading of 34.5 ± 0.2 °C after initialisation.
6Push the Chamber Temp. button and check for a reading of 34.5 ± 0.2 °C.
7Run for 5 minutes without interuption. If mains power is interupted test will have to be restarted.
8After 5 minutes check the following in ‘Engineering mode’ (see Appendix A2):
Set | 32 |
hp | ≤ 60 |
9Turn off the humidifier.
10Turn the Temperature Control knob to 36.0 ± 0.2 °C (check correct setting is displayed when the control is adjusted).
11Run for 25 minutes.
12After 25 minutes check the engineering menu (appendix A2.2):
Set | 36 |
hp | ≥ 70 |
Ref. 185040646 MR730/720/700/480 Technical Manual ¯ Revision F ¯ Issued March 2001