Kenmore 625.348460 Manual Advance Regeneration Check, Cycle Flow Rates Gallons PER MIN

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This check verifies proper operation of the valve motor, brine tank fill, brine draw, regeneration flow rates, and other controller functions. ALWAYS MAKE THE INITIAL CHECKS, AND THE MANUAL INITIATED DIAGNOSTICS.

NOTE: The face plate display must show a steady time (not flashing).

1￿ Press the ON/OFF:HOLD button and hold in for 3 seconds. RECHARGE NOW begins to flash as the softener enters the fill cycle of regeneration. Remove the brinewell cover and, using a flashlight, observe fill water entering the tank.

A￿ If it does not enter the tank, look for an ob: structed nozzle, venturi, fill flow plug, brine tubing, or brine valve riser pipe.


FILL (flow to salt storage tank) 0.3 (1.1 liters)



(1.3 liters)



(0.8 liters)


(flow to drain) 1.8

(6.8 liters)



(6.8 liters)

2￿ After observing fill, press the ON/OFF:HOLD button to move the softener into brining. A slow flow of water to the drain will begin. Verify brine draw from the brine tank by shining a flashlight into the brinewell and observing a noticeable drop in the liquid level.

NOTE: Be sure a salt bridge is not preventing water with salt contact.

A￿ If the softener does not draw brine

--nozzle and/or venturi dirty or defective.

--nozzle and venturi not seated properly on gasket.

--restricted drain (check drain fitting and hose).

--defective nozzle and venturi seal.

--other inner valve defect (rotor seal, rotor & disc, wave washer, etc.).

NOTE: If water system pressure is low, an elevated drain hose may cause back pressure, stopping brine draw.

3￿ Again press ON/OFF:HOLD to move the softener into backwash. Look for a fast flow of water from the drain hose.

A￿ An obstructed flow indicates a plugged back: wash flow plug, drain hose, filter screen, or top distributor.

CAUTION: Do Not remove the top distributor from the resin tank￿ Loss of water softening resin will occur￿ See bottom of page 28.

4￿ Press ON/OFF:HOLD to move the softener into fast rinse. Again look for a fast drain flow. Allow the softener to rinse for a few minutes to flush out any brine that may remain in the resin tank from the brining cycle test.

5￿ To return the softener to service, press ON/OFF:HOLD.


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Contents Model no Save this ManualFull TEN Year Warranty Against Leaks WarrantyFull ONE Year Warranty on Water Softener Sears Installation Policy Sears Installation WarrantyRepair Parts Table of ContentsService Tech Information Softener Start UPWater Softener START-UP Safety Guides Section± Valve Bypass Plastic Bypass Brass Bypass Water Heater Water Softener START-UP 1C.PROGRAM the Timer SET Present Time of DAY NoteSET Water Hardness Number SET ``CLEAN FeatureSET Recharge Regeneration Time Water Softener START-UP 1D. Sanitizing the Water Softener ADD WaterWater Softener START-UP 1E. Fill the Storage Tank with Salt ADD SaltExtra Recharge HOW Your Water Softener Works 2A.FACE Plate Timer FeaturesError Code Program MemoryService Fill Backwash Brining Fast Rinse Brine RinseWater Flow Through the Softener in Brining and Brine Rinse Automatic Bypass ElectronicsSalt Bridge Please see page 9 for Salt Filling DirectionsNozzle and Venturi Care of Your Softener 3D. Keeping the Water Softener CleanCovers Iron from the Resin BEDCare of Your Softener 3D. Keep the Softener from Freezing Drain Water from the SoftenerProblem Cause Correction Water has Salty Timer SC Code SC21 Other Things to Know 4A.DIMENSIONS/SPECIFICATIONSBypass Valves Service TECH. Information 5A.TROUBLESHOOTING Always Make These Initial Checks FirstAutomatic Electronic Diagnostics Manual Initiated Electronics Diag NosticsCorrect Switch Displays Valve Cycle Status ± ±Manual Advance Regeneration Check Cycle Flow Rates Gallons PER MINAssembly Service TECH. Information 5B.ROTARY Valve ServiceDisassembly Servicing the ValveService Cycle Fill CycleBackwash and ``CLEAN Cycle Brining and Brine Rinse CyclesFast Rinse Cycle Service TECH. Information Sears Water Softener Tubing Assem. Incl. Key No Valve Assembly KEY Part Owners Manual