4.Apply lubricant at the top of the door catch assembly to lubricate the internal spring. See LUBRICATION under GENERAL.
5.Close the doors and check them for proper alignment.
A.Doors should be centered and parallel at the top and bottom in the oven cavity opening as outlined under DOOR ADJUSTMENT.
6.Open right side door and view the left side catch ball and door strike position. Ensure catch ball is resting upon the angular surface of door strike. Repeat on opposite door.
NOTE: If catch ball is striking the flat surface on door strike, shims will be required under the door catch assembly.
NOTE: The catch ball should make contact near the center of door strike.
A.If adjustment is necessary, loosen mounting screws then slide door strike from front to back until roller ball rests upon the angular surface of the door strike. Tighten screws and check operation.
B.If proper adjustment cannot be achieved, add shims beneath the door strike. Repeat step 6. DO NOT BEND THE DOOR STRIKE.
7.Each oven door should open with a force of 8 to 25 pounds when pulled at the handle. The adjustment must allow the doors to remain closed during normal operation and allow opening without exertion by the user.
NOTE: The amount of tension on catch ball determines the opening force of door.
A.Adjust catch ball tension as follows:
1)Turn set screw inside the catch assembly housing clockwise to increase tension on catch ball and counterclockwise to decrease tension on catch ball.
2)Continue adjustment until proper door operation is achieved.
When the oven doors are in proper adjustment, as the doors come together, the right door will lead the left door in closing by about 1/4 inch. The doors will feel like they are self closing the last 1/2 inch of travel.
1.Remove the lower sill cover as outline under COVERS AND PANELS in REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF PARTS.
2.Close doors and check door chain for factory setting.
A.Turnbuckles should be 5 to 5 1/2 inches apart.
B.Short eye bolt should be connected to the end of the chain that goes to the front of the sprocket.
C.At the rear of the sprocket, one open link of the chain should be partially engaged with a tooth on the sprocket, the next open link should not be engaged (completely empty), and the last open link should be secured to the long eye bolt.
D.Chain must be tight enough that the doors move simultaneously when opened or closed.
E.When the doors are opened, the turnbuckles will move away from each other.
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| F32700 (February 2006) |