Wolf ICBCT15G S TA L L AT I O N I N S T RU C T I O N S F O R E YOU Start, T E Preparation

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Check the location where the cooktop will be installed. The location should be away from strong draft areas, such as windows, doors and strong heating vents or fans. Do not obstruct flow of combustion and ventilation air.

This appliance is not connected to a combustion products evacuation device. It shall be installed and connected in accor- dance with current installation regulations. Particular attention shall be given to the relevant requirements regarding ventilation.

This cooktop is intended for indoor use.



IMPORTANT NOTE: Countertop opening dimensions shown on the following pages must be used. The dimensions shown provide for required clearances.

These cooktops are designed to fit a standard 610 mm deep base cabinet with a 635 mm deep countertop. Before making the counter- top cut-out, verify that the cooktop will clear the side walls of the base cabinet below. There should be at least 140 mm clearance between the countertop and any combustible surface directly below the unit.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not seal the cooktop to the countertop. It must be removed if service is necessary.


Illustrations on the following pages provide the overall dimensions, countertop cut-out and installation specifications for Wolf gas cooktops. Maintain the following minimum installation dimensions:

Minimum horizontal clearance from the sides and back of the cooktop cut-out to adjacent vertical combustible construction, extending a minimum of 457 mm above the countertop, is as follows: 178 mm from side edges of cut-out for the 381 mm cooktop;

229mm from side edges of cut-out for the

762mm and 914 mm cooktops; 64 mm from rear edge of cut-out.

Minimum vertical distance between the countertop and combustible materials above the cooktop must be 762 mm.

Maximum 330 mm depth of overhead side cabinets directly above and within side clearance.

IMPORTANT NOTE: When installing a ventila- tion hood, refer to the specific requirements of the hood for the minimum dimension to countertop.

Failure to locate the cooktop without the proper clearances will result in a fire hazard.


Image 7
Contents GAS Cooktops Page G L I S H P Ã N O L A N Ç a I S TA L I a N O U T S C H N TAC T F O R M AT I O N S TA L L AT I O N R E Q U I R E M E N T S Wolf G a S C O O K to P SRating Plate Information Location Requirements Countertop CUT- OUT DimensionsS TA L L AT I O N I N S T RU C T I O N S F O R E YOU Start T E PreparationS TA L L AT I O N S P E C I F I C AT I O N S Installation Specifications Model ICBCT15GModel ICBCT15G Dimensions Wolf GA S CO O K to P SOverall Width 762 mm Overall Height 102 mm Installation Specifications Model ICBCT30GModel ICBCT30G Dimensions S TA L L AT I O N I N S T RU C T I O N SOverall Width 914 mm Overall Height 102 mm Wolf GA S CO O K to P S S TA L LAT I on SpecificationsInstallation Specifications Model ICBCT36G Model ICBCT36G DimensionsT I O N a L S TA L L AT I O N S LT I P L E C O O K to P I N S TA L L AT I O NWolf GA S CO O K to P S GA S S U P P LY Requirements Electrical Shock Hazard Wiring DiagramE C T R I C a L R E Q U I R E M E N T S Recommended Ground MethodWolf GA S CO O K to P S Cooktop I N S TA L L AT I O N GAS Leak TestingCO O K to P Removal Initial LightingO U B L E Shooting If YOU Need S E RV I C E Model ICBCT30G R I N G D I AG R a M SF O R M AC I Ó N DE Contacto PrecauciónNota Importante Información DE LA Placa DE Datos T E S DE ComenzarRequisitos DE Ubicación Dimensiones DE Corte DE LA EncimeraInstrucciones DE I N S TA L a C I Ó N Preparación DEL S I T I OModelo ICBCT15G Medidas LA C a S D E GA S DE WolfEspecificaciones DE LA I N S TA L a C I Ó N Especificaciones DE LA Instalación Modelo ICBCT15GModelo ICBCT30G Medidas Especificaciones DE LA Instalación Modelo ICBCT30GAnchura total 762 mm Altura total 102 mm Anchura total 914 mm Altura total 102 mm Especificaciones DE LA I N S TA LA C I Ó NEspecificaciones DE LA Instalación Modelo ICBCT36G Modelo ICBCT36G MedidasInstalaciones Opcionales Instalación DE Varias Superficies DE CocciónSuministro D E GA S Nota ImportanteCuadro DE Conexiones Método DE Conexión a Tierra RecomendadoPrueba DE Fuga DE GAS LA C a S D E GA S DE Wolf S TA L a C I Ó N DE LA PlacaExtracción DE LA P L a C a Encendido InicialSolución DE P R O B L E M a S SI Necesita a S I S T E N C I a T É C N I C a Modelo ICBCT36G N TAC T Exigences Relatives a LA Q U E S D E C U I S S on AU GA Z Wolf’ I N S TA L L AT I O N A N T DE Commencer InformationsPreparation DE L’ E M P LA C E M E N T Dimensions DE LA Decoupe DU Plan DE TravailExigences Relatives a L’EMPLACEMENT S T RU C T I O N S D ’ I N S TA L L AT I O NE C I F I C AT I O N S D ’ I N S TA L L AT I O N Specifications D’INSTALLATION Modele ICBCT15GModele ICBCT15G Dimensions LA Q U E S D E C U I S S on AU GA Z WO L FModele ICBCT30G Dimensions Specifications D’INSTALLATION Modele ICBCT30GE C I F I C AT I O N S D ’ I N S TA L LAT I on Specifications D’INSTALLATION Modele ICBCT36GModele ICBCT36G Dimensions LA Q U E S D E C U I S S on a U GA Z WO L FOptions ’INSTALLATION Installation DE Plaques DE Cuisson MultiplesDébit DU GA Z M a R Q U E P O RTA N T EN F I G U R AT I O N D E ’ a L I M E N TAT I on E N GA ZSchema DE Cablage Methode DE Mise a LA Terre RecommandeeDetection DES Fuites DE GAZ DE CuissonRetrait DE LA P LA Q U E D E C U I S S on Allumage InitialDepistage DES PA N N E S LA Q U E S D E C U I S S on AU GA Z WO L F Modèle ICBCT36G F O R M a Z I O N PER I Contatti Cosa Fare SE SI Sente Odore DI GAS Informazioni SULL’ETICHETTA Identificativa A N I COT T U R a a GA S WolfI M a DI Iniziare Requisiti PER L’UBICAZIONE Dimensioni Sfinestratura Piano DI LavoroIstruzioni PER L’ I N S TA L LA Z I O N E DEL S I toPagina Specifiche PER L’INSTALLAZIONE Modello ICBCT15GModello ICBCT15G Dimensioni ICBCT15GModello ICBCT30G Dimensioni Specifiche PER L’INSTALLAZIONE Modello ICBCT30GModello ICBCT36G Dimensioni Specifiche PER L’INSTALLAZIONE Modello ICBCT36GInstallazioni Opzionali Installazione CON PIÙ Piani DI CotturaPericolo DI Esplosione Portata GA SMetodo DI Messa a Terra Consigliato Schema ElettricoVerifica DI Eventuali Perdite DI GAS CotturaRimozione DEL P I a N O D I COT T U R a Illuminazione InizialeSoluzione DEI P R O B L E M SE È Necessaria a S S I S T E N Z a Modello ICBCT36G Vorsicht KO N TA K T F O R M AT I O N E NS K O C H M U L D E N VON Wolf Stallatio Nsvoraussetzungen Wichtiger HinweisGaskochmulden VON Wolf Stallatio Nsvoraussetzungen F O R M AT I O NEN AUF DEM TypenschildVO R D E R I N B E T R I E B N a H M E VO R DER Inbetriebnahme VO RB ER EIT UNG DES INSTALLATIONS- OrtesVoraussetzungen FÜR DEN Installationsort S TA L L AT I O N S AnweisungenDie nachstehenden Abbildungen enthalten die Installationsspezifikationen Modell ICBCT15GGaskochmulden VON Wolf S TA L L AT I O N S Spezifikationen Abmessungen FÜR Modell ICBCT15GGesamthöhe 102 mm Installationsspezifikationen Modell ICBCT30GAbmessungen FÜR Modell ICBCT30G Gesamtbreite 762 mmAbmessungen Installations SpezifikationenInstallationsspezifikationen Modell ICBCT36G Gaskochmulden VON WolfT I O N a L E S TA L L AT I O N E N S TA L L AT I O N VO N M E H R E R E N KO C H M U L D E NGasnennleistung Wichtiger HinweisVoraussetzungen FÜR DIE S V E R S O R G U N GStromschlaggefahr VerdrahtungsdiagrammS TA L L AT I O N S Anweisungen E K T R OVO R Aussetzungen Empfohlene ErdungsmethodeTesten AUF Gaslecks Gaskochmulden VON Wolf S TA L L AT I O N D E R KochmuldeH L E R S U C H E S TA L L AT I O N S Anweisungen E R F L Ä C H E N BrennerErstmaliges Anzünden Ausbauen DER K O C H M U L D EWenn S E R V I C E Erforderlich IST Modell ICBCT36G Wolf APPLIANCE, INC