Accessories and Options (Continued)
and other corrosive applications except: strong al- kalies, oxidizers, and wet bromine, chlorine, and fluorine in concentrations greater than 100 ppm.
♦Copper Fin Condenser Coils – Coils constructed with corrosion resistant copper fins. Not recom- mended in areas where units may be exposed to acid rain.
♦300 PSIG (21 bar) Waterside Design Working Pressure – The DX Cooler Waterside is designed and constructed for 300 PSIG (21 bar) working pressure. (Factory Mounted)
♦Optional Pressure Safety Code Construction – Chiller construction in accordance with Pressure Safety Codes of many countries are available. Cooler, oil separators, relief valves, safeties, or other operating devices designed or selected as required by the indicated Country. Common con- figurations include: USA (ASME,
Germany (TÜ V), France (CODAP), Italy (ISPESL), and Poland (UDT). Some available only on 50 Hz units. Consult with your YORK rep- resentative to ensure compliance with job require- ments (Factory Mounted).
♦Flange Accessory – Consists of raised face flanges to convert grooved water nozzles to flanged cooler connections. Includes companion flanges. (Field mounted).
•REMOTE DX COOLER – Includes: â Main condens- ing unit less cooler, refrigerant, and liquid line me- chanical devices; ã Separate, insulated cooler; and ä Field Accessory Kit (per refrigerant circuit: filter- drier shell and cores, liquid line solenoid valve, sight glass with moisture indicator, and Thermostatic Ex- pansion Valve; also entering and leaving water tem- perature transducers) for use in the interconnecting system piping and wiring as designed and installed by others. Field connections made at the condens- ing unit liquid stub (after the
nection for upright mounting in horizontal pipe. (This flow switch or equivalent must be furnished with each unit). (Field mounted)
♦Neoprene Isolation – Recommended for normal installations. Provides very good performance in most applications for the least cost. (Field mounted)
♦1" Spring Isolators – Level adjustable, spring and cage type isolators for mounting under the unit base rails. 1" nominal deflection may vary slightly by application. (Field mounted)
♦2" Seismic Spring Isolators – Restrained Spring- Flex Mountings incorporate a rugged welded steel housing with vertical and horizontal limit stops. Housings designed to withstand a minimum 1.0g accelerated force in all directions to 2". Level ad- justable, deflection may vary slightly by applica- tion. (Field mounted)
•ALTERNATIVE CHILLED FLUID APPLICATIONS Standard water chilling application range is 40°F to 55°F (4°C to 13°C) Leaving Chilled Water Tempera- ture. To protect against nuisance safety trips below 40°F (4°C) and reduce the possibility of cooler dam- age due to freezing during chiller operation, the unit
♦Process Brine Option – Process or other appli- cations requiring chilled fluid below 40°F (4°C) risk water freezing in the evaporator, which is typically overcome with antifreeze. For these applications, the chiller performance rating incorporates ‘brine’ (typically ethylene or propylene glycol solution), and the system design Leaving Chilled Fluid Tem- perature must be provided on the order form to ensure proper factory configuration.
♦Thermal Storage Option – Thermal Storage re- quires special capabilities from a chiller, including the ability to ‘charge’ an ice storage tank, then pos- sibly automatically reset for operation at elevated Leaving Chilled Fluid Temperatures as required by automatic building controls. The Thermal Stor- age Option provides Ice Storage duty Leaving Chilled Fluid setpoints to 15°F minimum