♦Wire Panel Enclosure (Full Unit) – UV stabilized black polyvinylchloride coated, heavy gauge, welded wire mesh guards mounted on the exte- rior of the unit. Protects condenser coil faces and prevents unauthorized access to refrigerant com- ponents (compressors, pipes, cooler, etc.), yet pro- vides free air flow. This can cut installation cost by eliminating the need for separate, expensive fenc- ing. (Factory mounted)
♦Louvered Panel Enclosure (Full Unit) – Heavy gauge louver panels, galvanized and painted just as the main unit cabinet, provide liberal free air flow area. Cover coils and around the bottom of the unit to protect condenser coils, visually screen mechanical elements, and prevent unauthorized access to refrigerant components. (Factory mounted)
♦Louvered Panels (Condenser Coil Only) – Lou- vered panels are mounted over the exterior con- denser coil faces on the sides of the unit to visu- ally screen and protect coils. (Factory mounted.)
♦Louvered (Condensers) / Wire (Mechanicals) – Louvered panels mounted over the exterior con- denser coil faces, and heavy gauge welded wire mesh guards mounted around the bottom of the unit. Visually screens and protects coils, and pre- vents unauthorized access to refrigerant compo- nents. (Factory mounted.)
Fans and motors suitable for High External Static conditions to 0.4 inches of water (100Pa). Since these require higher power motors and therefore slightly reduce chiller efficiency, select only if the installation conditions will impose additional air flow resistance resulting from such things as field installed:ducts, filters, sound enclosures, or similar obstructions to airflow. Contact the factory for per- formance or electrical implications.
One or both options may be employed by the sys- tem designer as normally generated machine noise is considered in the overall project design. See Form
♦Low Speed Fans – With this option, the basic chiller is equipped with
♦Compressor Sound Enclosures – Compressor acoustically treated to attenuate noise.