Sears 911.41369 manual @,LEANHG MA Terbals to USE, @,LEANHNG MA TEfCHALS T@ US

Page 19


o Dishwashing detergent o Warm water

o Soft cloth


o Dishwashing detergent o Warm water

o Soap-filled steel woo! pad o Commercial oven cleaner


Allow the pan to soak. Sprinkle the grid with dishwashing detergent and cover with a damp cloth or paper towel and let stand. Scour as needed. Wash, rinse, and dry well. You may

also place both the pan and grid in the dishwasher.


o Dishwashing detergent

o Soap-filled steel wool pad

oWarm water


Wash and rinse well. TO _EMOVE:

Pull the racks out and up to remove.


Set the raised back of the rack on the pair of rack guides. Push until you reach the stop locks, then lift the front of the rack until the back

slides easily under the bump. Push rack into the oven.


o Glass cleaner

o Paper towels o Baking soda


For everyday cleaning, use glass cleaner and a paper towel. For stubborn soil, use paste of baking soda and water. Rinse thoroughly.


Image 19
Contents Manual Tableofcontents Appliance for warming or heating the room Do no try to move the pan FetyWhere can you look forpackaging tape ? OVE CO0!!G TOME-- Choose bake or TimerOVE FUCTOt ED#CATORS Flashingindicator . E £u £e yePower FA#LURE HOW to SET the CloceTo CA3CEL the 6 Secod Beep TTET#O T@EToes WH#LE SETT#G Cotrol E3D of T#MED Cvcle TGE#ERoom by opeHn a Bndo er us a ven hood Shiny Pans FLA T Cookie SheetsGLASS, Dark NONoSTICK, or Darkened by AGE Bakeware AnywayspBace@yenrac£sgnheproper posiiowhSBeores iscooB Oven Press the OvenTao Press the BB08tL pad Tbus ,HR8a#eat#c, aBSy se H BceO AtOUD AE#Y Part GF the OVEo Start Thme PressPad GHBSPESEAFEt£ TBRE$OFYOB Press the Delay STAR? Tnme padTbJ Press the OVE Cookhng TnME @,LEANHNG MA TEfCHALS T@ US @,LEANHG MA Terbals to USE@LEAN#NG MA TER#ALS to USE Screws When the door is removePOT MFE the #OOR To RepljcePossible SOL Ution ProblemPro!erBvo Possible CauseUMock Problem Possible CauseFoods Rno ProperByoIncrease OvenPress the Temp Down Fibbbbb Efforts KEH REMobelono Del C6rno seSeccionar programasNumero DE Modelo LMP#ADORES Esee LOS Nbos aBo *rae de mover Ha caceroHa Fuegg E EL HofgSi alguna vez la necesita, no IIIIIIIlltllllllllllillllllllllllllltll Cancear e Reo o e El botdn # Y StarsIDEMOAADbCOCClOAIEIV n HOmVO Delay Bake Clean Startclockcleani MpodelimpiezaHMD#CIDORES DE LS FUMC#Ot4ES DEL Khtchee Tiimer OE/OFF OFFTono DE Precalentamveeto Tonos Mneitras Programa ELTOnG AL FnAL DE U Csclo Como CCELt&R EL Tgho DEVenilaci6ra Na capana de ventiBaci6nGALLETAf3 sin lados SGEN, RDe Prggrama DEL HOHGe En la posHcH6n correcta cuande e# home es frieStaft Tiime Es*as operaciones de# homo se pueden usar para asarDOW COOKfIG TnmeFEstto auom#icamene AltojEl sello de la puerta Estb diseradopara UP o DGW Start TsmeClock $ Ccioh R FRO RAMA$ $FECUALE$ COnTrOLBEmpuje el botdn OVfEN COOKIlNG 7liME Sfte prograrna se puede seHecconarPara Sacar Como LbmpiarQUE MA Tersales DE LHMPEE.A Usar BA LimpharLevante LI Puerta DE L, Mapiill Reemplace EL Foco #E LA LUEPaba Adecuadamene Pestaea una F seguHda per urnProgramar Pornear 35G Problema Posible CA USA Posible Solucion#a parrigHa La puera deB horno rDo se desenganc/a Resulados fueror maiosSi cree que eB homo est# Dernasiado caSiene TreeSuficientemene CaBiene TempEIEt Todas LAS Partes Excepto 0.AS DE Vidrio Esfuerzos, sentimos