Sears 911.41369 manual HOW to SET the Cloce, Power FA#LURE

Page 8

The clock must be set for the correct time of day before a delayed oven function can work properly. The time of day cannot be changed during a timed oven function, but can be changed during a bake or broil function.




I.Press the CLOCK pad.

2, Press the HOUR and MnH pads to set the time.

3o Press the START pad.


While using your oven for cooking, if you wish to check the time of day press the CLOC_ pad. The current time of day will show in the display.


if you have experienced a power failure, the time flashing in the display will be incorrect. Reset your Clock.

Any oven function that was in process will need to be reset.


The Kitchen Timer is used to time cooking

processes or other household activities. It

does not control the oven. It can be set for up to 9 hours and 59 minutes. It will count down

in minutes until the fast 60 seconds is reached

then the control will beep once. When the countdown reaches zero, the control will beep 3 times followed by one beep every 6 seconds

until the _tlTCHEH TBMER OH/OFF pad is pressed. The 6 second tone can be canceled. See Tones on the following page.



t. Press the _tlTCHEH TBMER OH/OFF


2, Press HOUR and/or MItH arrow pads to set time.

3, Press the START pad.

4.When the countdown has reached zero,

press the _HTCHEH TRMER G_/OFF pad.

To cancel the timer during the countdown press the TUMER OH/OFF pad twice,


Oven control, clock and timer continued

Image 8
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