ReadThis Use and Care Book
Takethetimeto readthis bookand learnhowto enjoy your new MicrowaveOven.it containsdetailedoper- ating instructionsandrecommendedmaintenance,as well ashandytips to help you gain maximum benefits from your MicrowaveOven.Once you haveread the book, keepit handyto answerany questionsyou may have.
If you haveany additionalquestionsccmcerningthe operationof your
ConsumerAffairs GeneralElectricCompany AppliancePark Louisville,Kentucky40225
IFYOURECEIVEDA DAMAGEDOVEN,immediately contact the dealer (or builder) from whom you pur- chased it. They have been informed of the proper procedure to take care of such matters and can handleit for you.
RegisterYour (km
It is important that we, the manufacturer,know the locationof your MicrowaveOvenshoulda needoccur for adjustments.
Pleasecheck with your supplier to be sure he has registeredyou as the owner; also send in your Pur- chaseRecordCard, If you move,or if you are not the original purchaser pleasewrite to us, stating model and serial numbers. This appliancemust be regis- tered.PleasebecertainthatIt k.
Write to: GeneralElectricCZwnpany FlangeProductSewIce
Record | and Serial |
Your MicrowaveOven has a nameplatecm which is stamped the model number and serial number. (Seepage5 for location.)
Model and serial numbersare also cm the Purchase RecordCard which camewith your MicrowaveOven. Recordthe numbersin the spacesbelow.
Pleaserefer to both modeland serial numbers in any future corrcxponcfcmtw or product service calls con- cerning your MicrowaveOven
BeforeYou Cdl for Service
Check “CommonProblems” section. (See page 20. ) It lists many minor causes of operating problems that you can correct yourself and may save you an unnecessary service call.
If ‘YOLUNeed Service
[n many cities, there’s a General Electric Factory Service Center. Caii, and a
Or look for General Electric franchised Customer
Care@servicers. You’ll find them in the Yellow Pages under “GENERALELECTRIC CUSTOMER
If you need serviceIlteraturt?,parts lists,parts or accesfmrhn,contact one of the Factory Service Centers, a franchised Customer Care@servicer or your General Electric dealer.
ExtendedServiceContracts:The terms of your war- ranty provide free service covering failures due to manufacturingdefectsfor a definite period of time.
After \his warranty expires you may purchase an ExtendedServiceContract which will enable you to budget your service needs. This coverage beyond warrantyISavailablefrom our FactoryServiceCenters and from manyfranchisedCustomerCareRservicers. It is a good ideato apply for this coveragebeforeyour warrantyexpires,
to Follow for FurtherHelp
First,contact the people who servicedyour micro- waveoven Explainwhy you are dissatisfied.In most cases,this will solvethe problem.
Next,if you are still dissatisfied,write all the details– includingyour phone
Manager,ConsumerRelations GeneralElectricCompany
AppliancePark Louisville,Kentucky40225
Finally,If your problem is still not resolved,write: Major ApplianceConsumerAction Panel 20 North WackerDrive!
Chicago,Illinois 60606
2 (~1981(_jeneral~lectri~Co,,
This panel, known as MACAP, is a group of inde- pendentconsumm’experts under the sponsorshipof wwral industry associations.Its purpose is to study practicesand advisethe industry of ways to improve clistomer service.BecauseMACAPis free of industry control and influence, it is able to make impartial recommendations,consideringeachcaw?individually