The benefit is automatic setting and control of cooking, but just Ilke conventional microwaving you must check the food after the AUTO cycle (oven beepsand cook time begins to count down on display) and turn, rotate or stir as recommended.
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Formeatandfishloavesuse either the round or {oaf
Whole ehlcken, chicken braasts and pieces,or turkey parts should be plmxxl in a
_. .—
PorkChopsautomaticallycook well in 8 x 12 x
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FM fil!ds, whole fish or seafood pieces should be in single layer in flat pie plate or oblong dish to fit= Cover with plastic wrap or con= tainer lid. Use Auto Cook Code 6 for fillets arid Auto Cook Code 1 for seafood pieces=
Spa?%?ribs and Iwiskatshould be automatically cooked in round glass conta’irmr with lid or plastic wrap,Makesureliquid coversmeat. After cwen signals, turn over or rearrange meatsoften.
| to |
Use tlwfollowing | |
1: | topped casseroltw, rerncnwcover after oven sig- |
| nals and add topping, the~ continue cooking |
| uncovered, |
| 4: Allow precooked ingredients or hd $%Ncesto |
2: | coedslightly before adding ether ingredients. |
| 5: Meats and vegetables should be submerged in |
| liquid, |
3: | 6: After oven signals, rotata dish % turn and stir |
| covering all ingreditmts with liquid. |