1.For personalsafety the oven must be properiy grounded.See groundinginstructionson Page3 of this book
2.Cooking utensils may become hot because of heat transferred from the heated food. This is espe- cially true if plastic wrap has been covering the top and handles of the utensil. Pot holders may be needed.
3.Sometimes,the ovenshelfcan becometoo hotto touch.Be careful when touching the shelf during and after cooking.
4~$Bo~lable’*~~~~i~g pouches and tightly closed
p~asticbags+should be slit, pricked or vented as di- rected in Cookbook. If they are not, plastic could burst during or immediately after cooking, possibly resulting in injury, Also, plastic storage containers should be at least partially uncovered because they form a tight seal. When cooking with containers tightly covered with plastic wrap, remove covering carefully and direct steam away from hands and face.
5.Ronstdefrostfrozenbeveragesin narrow necked bottles especially carbonated ones, Even if the con- tainer is opened, pressure can build up. This can causethe containerto burst, resulting in injury.
6.Don’t overcook. Excessive overcooking ctehy- drates potatoes,and may cause them to catch fire causingdamage.
7, If food shouid ever Ignite, keep the oven door ciosed. Turn off the power immediately. Touch CLEAR/OFF or disconnect power cord or shut off power at the fuse or circuit breakerpanel.
& I?er?wvetheprobe from the oven
whennotu$ingiit to cook with, If you leavethe probe inside the oven without inserting it in food or liquid and turn on microwaveenergy,it can createelectrical arcing in the oven, and damage oven walls or shelf.
9.Remove wire twist4hm on paper and plastic bags before placing in oven.
10.130iiingeggs(in or outof the sheil)is not recoin= mendedfor microwave cooking. Pressure can build up inside egg yolk and cause it to burst, resulting in injury,
11, 00 not pop popcorn in your microwaveoven
unlessin a special microwave popcorn accessory or unless you use popcorn in a package labeled for microwave ovens. Because of the heat generated, without these precautions, the container could catch fire,
12.Use metai oniy as directed in cookbook. Metal strips as used on meat roasts are helpful in cooking food when used as directed. Metaltrays may be used for TV dinners. However, when using metal in the microwave oven, keep metai at ieast
| — |
13, Do not use any thermometerin food you are | – |
microwavingunlessthat thermometer is designed or |
recommendedfor use in the microwaveoven. |
14. Do not store fiammabiematerials in an oven. | — |
Also, do not use flammable fluids in the vicinity of |
your oven. |
15.Do not use your microwaveoven to dry news- papers.If overheated,they can catch fire.
16, Piastic
17.Don’t operatethe oven while empty in order to prolong the life of the oven and save energy, If, by accident, the oven should run empty a minute or two, no harm is done.
18.When cooking pork either convemtiormiiy or in the microwave oven, follow our directions exactly and aiways cook the meat to at least 17W. This assures that, in the remote possibility that trichina may be present in the meat, it will be killed and meat will be safeto eat.
1,HaveItIn$taltedandproperlyground~dbyaqua}i- fled lm+taller,See the special Installationbookiet
packed with the microwaveoven.
2, ‘?’hewrit fan In your Spacemaker’”oven will operateautomaticallyundercertainfxmditlorw(see AutomaticFan Feature,page7)0Whilethe fan is operatingcautionIsrequiredto preventthesttwtlng andspreadingof accidentalcookingfireswhilethe ventfan18inuse.Forthisreason:
A. Neverleavesurfaceunitsunattendedat high
heat$etting$E30110vercausessmoking.and greasy splilovers that may Ignit$ and spread if vent fan is operating, To minimize automatic fan operation, useadequatesized utensils and use high heat set- tings only when necessary.
B. In the eventof a grea$efire, smother flaming pan on surface unit by covering pan completely whh
C, Neverflamefoed$undertheovenwiththevent fanoperatingbecauseIt may spread the flames.
D, KcMphoodandgreasefiltersclean,acccwding to instructions on pages 17 arid 19, to maintain good venting and avcddgreasefires,
E.U$ecareInral$lngandIowarlngthe$mokeand $pattershieldto avoid tipping over tall cooking utensils.