The microKool chiller is easy to install, if you plan the loca- tion and prepare the area properly.
1 Position the chiller as close to the process machine as possible.
Chiller |
Process machine |
Alternate |
locations |
Make sure the installation area provides:
❒A clean,
The room temperature should not exceed 110° F (43° C) with 95%
❒Minimum clearance for safe operation and mainte- nance. Nothing should be placed on top of the unit while the unit is operating. All models require a minimum clear- ance of 5 ft. around the perimeter for servicing. Models equipped with fans also require unrestricted outlet air flow.
❒A source of water for cooling on
Install plumbing for process and cooling lines.
See the specification tables for the correct line and fitting sizes. Larger line sizes are acceptable as long as they are reduced at the chiller connections. Smaller line sizes are not recommended.
UGH004/0999 | microKool Portable Chillers | INSTALLATION |