The unloader valve is located between the compressor and the condenser on both
You can check whether the unloader valve is working properly by observing its behavior while the microKool is running.
1 Clear any alarms and restart the chiller.
2 Watch for the following:
❒The unloader valve light should turn on for 2 seconds when the compressor starts. You should hear the sole- noid activate when the unloader valve light turns on.
❒If the process fluid temperature is below the setpoint, the unloader valve should stay lit until the temperature of the process fluid exceeds the setpoint.
❒If the process fluid temperature is above the setpoint, the unloader valve light should turn off after 2 seconds. You can verify that the unloader valve is inactive by checking the refrigerant line from the solenoid valve to the expansion valve. The line should be cool.
If the line is hot all the way to the expansion valve, then the unloader valve is active. The solenoid valve may be leaking, or the unloader valve may be stuck open with power still supplied to the solenoid.
NOTE: Units with the enhanced
UGH004/0999 | microKool Portable Chillers | TROUBLESHOOTING |