Alto-Shaam 500-S EL ECT Roni C CO Ntro L Timer Progra MM in G, Tim er Prog ramming Inf ormation

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The M ultiple S hel f Timer Key o ption is availab le for hot foo d ho lding units with the electr onic co ntrol. These k eys m onitor f ood sa fety by us ing a t imer - based " First- In, Fi rst-O ut" product man agement syste m. P roduct s sh ould be co oked to H ACCP recomm ended i nter nal temperature and t hen held in th e u nit. The Timer syste m allow s oper ator to sel ect hol ding ti mes w hen the un it is loaded. Multiple timer ke ys co rresp ond to variou s pan locations in th e h olding u nit. As th e tim ers expire, alarms n oti fy th e op erator.

Tim er Prog ramming Inf ormation

1.TurnPressOn/Offthe On/ControlOff Ke yKeyunt ilOtheFF. display tu rns OFF (at le ast 3 seco nds) and On /Off Key' s Powe r Indica tor Lig ht goes out .

Note: The following st eps can only be do ne when

the On/ Off Contr ol Key is OFF.

Press and hold a Shelf Timer K ey ( at least

2. Set Shel f Timer Ke

ys .

3 se cond s) until the

countdown time is show n

in the LED dis play. Use the Up or Down Arrow Key t o ch ang e the time desired. Time will d isplay a s HH:MM if set for longer than 60 minu tes, or H H:SS if set for l ess than 60 minutes.

3.SetRepeAdditionalat ste p 2Timfor eaerchKeySh elfs.Time r Ke y to be programm ed.

4.TurnUsingOn/Offthe Ptimowerer, p ressKeytheONOn/Off. key to

turn ON u nit. Pow er In dicator Light will illuminate.

5. PresActis Shelfvate th Time sh elfr tKeyimer. by p ressing th e

cor respondi ng bu tton . S hel f LED displa y will illuminate and the cou nt down w ill b egin .

The ti me r LED’s w ill illuminate as follo ws:

a) All exp ired ti mers will flash quickl y ( may be more th an on e)

b) The ti mer with t he s hor test amount of time remaining w ill flash slowl y.

c) All ot her active ti mers will be illu minated (may be more t han o ne) .

6. TurnAlarmOFFwaillarsoum.nd a s time expires .

Press exp ired Shelf Timer Key t o t urn th e

alarm OFF .

To PressCancaelnda holTimer:d d esi red S hel f Timer Key fo r two secon ds.

PowerThe PowFailurer Indicatore: Light by On/Off Po wer Key will blink to indi cate a power failu re. To sto p th e bli nking, si mply dep ress O n/O ff Key . The

mem ory wi ll not be impaired.

500-S, 750-S, 1000-S, 1000-UP • I NSTALLATION/OPERATION/SERVIC E MAN UAL • 18.

Image 20
Contents MAI Ntena NCE Inst Allati onOperation Sanitation Deli Very Unpack I NGAU TI on Safety Proc Edures Preca UTI ONSWA Rning CA U TI O N No TENST Allatio N SIT E Inst AL L Atio NEXT Erio R D Imensio NS 500-S Electrical ConnectionConnection EXT Erio R D Imensio NS 750-SEXT Erio R D Imensio NS 1000-S Electrical Connection Pass-Through OptionEX T ERI or Dimensio NS 1 000 UP Electrical Connection Reach-inNST Allatio Opti ONS and ACC Essori ESStacking Instr Uctions SI TE INS TallatioWarn ING Level INGRES Trai NT Requirements -MO BIL E Equipment Risk of Electric ShockSI TE INS Tallatio N Drip TrayDrip Tray Installati on Instructions 1000-UP IT E Inst AL LA TIO NElectr CAL Not EHeatin G Charact Erist ICS User SA Fety Info RmationBefo RE Init IAL USE OP Eration MA NU AL C ONT ROL Operat ION MIN Utes Before L Ading FOO D To Toggle BET Ween Fahren Heit Celsiu SOptio NA L Electr Onic Holding CAB Inet Contr OL SET-UP OP Eratio NOptional Electron IC CON Trol IDE NT if IC AT ION Heat Recovery OPT Ional ELE Ctronic Holdi NG Cabinet Contro Perat IONOption AL E Lectronic H Olding Cabinet S Peci AL Feat URE S Hacc P Docume NtationEL ECT Roni C CO Ntro L Timer Progra MM in G Tim er Prog ramming Inf ormationGener AL Holding Uideline OL DIN G T EM PE R AT U RE RangeAution Are a ND Clea NingLeaning PR Eventi VE MAI NtenanceSevere DAM AGE or Elect Rical Hazard Could Result AreClea Ning NI Tation SA Nitati O N Ervi CE TH ER MOS TAT Accura CYTrou BL ES Hootin G Manual Control CA UTI onServ ICE TR OUB LE Possi BLE C Ause AU TIO NTRO UBL Esho OT ING EL Ectronic Contr OL O P T ION Service PAR TS Ervi SER Vice Part S1000- UP Pass Thro ugh Option UP WIT H Pass Throug H Optio N Bonnet Assembly Manual Control Electronic ControlService VIE W Elect roni c Co ntrol Opt ion 1000 -UPSER VIC E VI EW Manual Control 1000 -UPPage Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Limi TE D WA Rrant Y
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