Lewmar 40-111 manual Servicing Your Winch, Desmontar, limpiar, verificar y relubricar

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WARNING! Turn the power off at the circuit breaker/isolator before any maintenance/servicing is carried out.

Winches need regular maintenance to operate at peak efficiency otherwise permanent damage and premature wear can result.


Hose down with fresh water then lightly oil and grease as per illustration taking care not to get any grease in the pawls as they will stick in operation.

2.TWO OR THREE TIMES DURING ACTIVE SAILING SEASON Strip, clean, check and relubricate.


Strip, clean, thoroughly check for damage, lubricate and reassemble as detailed in the service manual.

Check condition of motor gearbox. In the event of corrosion, clean and repaint motor with marine grade oil based enamel paint.


Electric motors become hot during and for some time after use. These units have an oil filled gearbox. DO NOT remove the motor. For more details ask for the free booklet and manual “How to Service Your Winch” B 2304 , “Winch Parts Manual Volume 8” B 2196 and “Custom Winch Service Manual Volume 7” B2312 (77-144/2).

WARNUNG! Vor Beginn der Pflegearbeiten unterbrechen Sie den Kontakt des Systemes zur Batterie!

Winschen müssen regelmäßig gewartet und gepflegt werden damit

zuverlässige und sichere Einsätze gewährleistet werden können.


Abspülen mit Süßwasser, leicht ölen und fetten (lt. Skizze). Kein Fett an die Klinken um ein Verkleben zu verhindern.


Zerlegen, reinigen, auf Nutzung überprüfen, ölen/fetten und zusammensetzen in umgekehrter Reihenfolge.

3.Sichtpüfung des Motores.

Bei Auftreten von Korrosion mit Farbe auf Ölbasis ausbessern.


Elektrische Motoren werden während des Einsatzes warm. Die Motoren haben ein ölgefülltes Getriebe. Motor nicht vom Getriebe abnehmen.

Für weitere Details fragen Sie nach der Pflegfeanleitung „Die Pflege Ihrer Winsch“ (B2304) und der Ersatzteilliste „Winch Parts Manual Volume 8“ (B2196), “Custom Winch Service Manual Volume 7” B2312 (77-144/2).

ATTENTION! Toujours couper l’alimentation au coupe-circuit avant tout démontage du winch. Les winchs ont besoin d’un entretien régulier pour fonctionner efficacement et pour éviter tout dommage définitif ou toute usure prématurée.


Bien les rincer à l’eau douce, les huiler et les graisser légèrement comme indiqué sur le plan, en prenant soin de ne pas mettre de graisse sur les cliquets, ce qui risquerait de les coller.

2.DEUX OU TROIS FOIS EN PERIODE DE NAVIGATION Démonter, nettoyer et lubrifier.


Démonter, nettoyer, vérifier l’absence d’usure, lubrifier et remonter tel qu’indiqué dans le manuel d’entretien.

Vérifier l’état du moteur/boîte de renvoi. En présence de corrosion, nettoyer et repeindre le moteur avec une laque glycérophtalique de qualité marine.


Les moteurs électriques peuvent devenir très chauds pendant et après leur utilisation. Les boîtes de renvoi sont à bain d’huile. Ne pas désolidariser le moteur de sa boîte.

Pour plus de détails, demandez notre notice”ENTRETIEN DU WINCH OCEAN” B 2304, notre manuel “ ECLATES DE WINCHS No. 8 “ B 2196 et “Custom Winch Service Manual Volume 7” B 2312 (77-144/2).

Atención! Desconectar los winches en el disyuntor o desconectador preriamente al inicio de cualquier operación de mantenimiento. Los winches requieren un mantenimiento periódico para que funccionen con la máxima eficacia, de otro modo puede aparecer desgaste prematuro y daños permanentes.


Aclarar con agua dulce y engrasar y aceitar tal como se muestra en la ilustración, teniendo cuidado de que no entre grasa en los trinquetes ya que puede causar que queden pegados durante el funcionamiento.


Desmontar, limpiar, verificar y relubricar.


Desmontar, limpiar, verificar a fondo posibles daños, lubricar y montar de nuevo, siguiendo el manual de mantenimiento. Comprobar el estado del motor y reductora. Si se presentase corrosión, limpiar y repintar el motor con un esmalte marino de base oleosa.


Los motores eléctricos se calientan y permanecen calientes un rato durante el funcionamiento. Estas unidades tiene una reductora rellena de aceite. NO desmontar el motor de la reductora.

Para mayores detalles pedir el folleto y manual gratuitos Como cuidar sus winches (B 2304), Winch parts manual Volume 8 (B 2196) y Custom Winch Service Manual Volume 7 B2312 (77-144/ 2).

VARNING! Stäng alltid av strömmen med automatsäkringen innan underhåll/service utförs.

Vinschar måste underhållas regelbundet för att fungera optimalt. Bristfälligt underhåll kan leda till permanenta skador och snabb förslitning.


Spola av med sötvatten och smörj sedan sparsamt med olja/fett enligt figuren. Se till att det inte kommer fett på spärrmekanismen eftersom denna då kan kärva.

2.TVÅ ELLER TRE GÅNGER UNDER DEN AKTIVA SEGLINGSSÄSONGEN Demontera vinschen, rengör, kontrollera och smörj.

3.I SLUTET AV SÄSONGEN ELLER BÖRJAN AV NÄSTA Demontera vinschen, kontrollera noga avseende skador, smörj och montera som beskrivs i servicemanualen.

Kontrollera motor/växellådans skick. Om det förekommer korrosion, rengör och måla om motorn med oljebaserad lackfärg av marinkvalitet.


Elmotorer blir varma vid användning, och även en viss tid efter avslutad användning. Dessa vinschar har oljefylld växellåda. DEMONTERA INTE motorn.

För mer information kan du utan extra kostnad rekvirera häftet ”Hur du servar din vinsch” (B 2304), ”Vinschreservdelar, volym 8” (B 2196)och “Custom Winch Service Manual Volume 7” B2312 (77- 144/2).

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Contents Ocean Electric Winches Models 40 Contents Atención IntroductionSehr geehrter Kunde Installation Installez votre winch motorisé Préparez votre winch FigEl motor / reductoraC, así como los relés 12 ó Las referencies quedan reflejadas en la tabla adjuntaLoad Winch Fastening Not to Scale Fitting a Convertible Electric Winch Montage einner Elektro-WinschMise en place d’un winch électrique Instalar un winche eléctricoWinch/Motor Gearbox Coupling Winsch/Motor-VerbindungAssemblage winch-boîte/moteur Acoplamiento del Winche al motor y reductoraElectric Wiring Installation BatteryDistance SystemElectrical Connections Correct Spindle RotationElectrical Connections Single Speed Winches 50 to 64, 12V Speed Winches 66 to 111, 12V & 24V Ref WSD Performance Diagrams For Model 66/2 Electric 24 Volt use 2nd & 3rd gear results Rope Diameters Maximum Load ValuesModel Rope Ø mm ModelOperating Your Winch Ocean Winschen 66-111 sind entweder Zwei- oder DreigangServicing Your Winch Desmontar, limpiar, verificar y relubricarParts List TEILE-LISTE Liste DES Pieces Despiece ReservdelslistaCSK HD screw M10 x Parts List Models 40 toDescription Qty Parts List Models 66 to Description111 QtyDimensions Total WeightModel Alloy All Bronze Chrome St. Steel All Chrome 9937/8Fault Finding Q10Model Range Circuit BreakersLewmar Limited Warranty Lewmar UK/Rest of World

40-111 specifications

The Lewmar 40-111 is a premium quality winch designed for demanding sailing conditions, boasting a variety of features that enhance performance, durability, and user experience. This versatile winch is specifically crafted for use on cruising boats and racing yachts, making it a popular choice among sailors who seek reliability and efficiency in their sailing gear.

One of the standout features of the Lewmar 40-111 is its innovative design that allows for easy operation, even under load. The winch is equipped with a powerful gearing system that maximizes leverage, ensuring that sailors can efficiently manage sails without excessive effort. The combination of a high gear ratio and an ergonomic handle makes it easier to operate, allowing for more controlled maneuvers during races or long voyages.

Durability is a significant consideration in the construction of the Lewmar 40-111. Crafted from high-quality materials such as marine-grade aluminum and stainless steel, this winch is built to withstand harsh marine environments. Its corrosion-resistant finish aids in maintaining the winch's function and appearance over time, ensuring longevity and reliability.

The Lewmar 40-111 also features a self-tailing system that simplifies the handling of line. This technology allows the winch to grip the line automatically as the sail is being raised, eliminating the need for additional crew handling and resulting in a more streamlined sailing experience. The self-tailing mechanism ensures that the sailor can focus on other essential tasks while managing sail trim efficiently.

Another important characteristic of the winch is its easy and accessible servicing. The design facilitates straightforward disassembly, enabling sailors to perform maintenance without needing specialized tools or expertise. Regular maintenance is vital for prolonging the winch's life and maintaining peak performance.

In addition to its performance and durability, the Lewmar 40-111 is available in multiple sizes and configurations, catering to different boat designs and sailor preferences. This adaptability makes it a favored choice for a wide range of sailing vessels.

Overall, the Lewmar 40-111 winch combines innovative engineering with high-quality construction, making it a preferred option for sailors who value performance, durability, and ease of use in their sailing equipment. Its features and technologies not only enhance sailing efficiency but also contribute to a safer and more enjoyable experience on the water.