4Lights On/Dim/Off
5Display (Speed level, Delay Off Indicator)
3 5 Min Delay Off |
| 1 Blower On/Off | ||
2Adjust 3 Speed Levels
1Blower On/Off
By pressing , the blower is switched On and Off. When switched on, the blower turns on at the same speed it was switched off at. When switched off the entire hood powers off, including the lights.
2Speed Selection
The 3 speed levels are selected by pressing to decrease and
to increase speed level. The display indicates speed level selected. Pressing
when the hood is off will also turn it on.
3Delay Off
This is used for programmed shut down of blower and lights 5 minutes after the function is
activated. Press once, a dot displays in the lower right hand side of display
indicating the function is on. The hood will change to speed 1 and shut down after 5 minutes.
4Lights On/Dim/Off
Switch lights On by pressing once, again to dim and again to switch Off.
Displays blower speed level and delay off status.
Manual On/Off
Located behind the right side light panel is a manual power on/off toggle switch. This switch is used to manually cut power to the hood to perform a hard reset for troubleshooting purposes. Toggle between I (on) or 0 (off).
Heat Lamps On/Off
Located on the right and left side light panel are manual power on/off toggle switches. These switches are used to turn the heat lamps on/off. Toggle between I (on) or 0 (off).
Features & Controls – Touch Controls & Features