Setting up the TRIPLE•C
The TRIPLE•C is a very flexible unit and may be used in numerous different setups. Here are illustrations and explanations of some of the most common setups.
TRIPLE•C in a Single Channel Insert
• Use the send/return connections on a single channel on your analog mixer.
• Use the analog Input/Outputs on the TRIPLE•C.
• Set the TRIPLE•C Inputs to analog.
TRIPLE•C in a Digital Insert
• Connect the TRIPLE•C’s digital In/Out to a digital Send/Return on your mixer.
• Use the TRIPLE•C as master clock by setting the Clock parameter in the I/O menu to 44.1kHz or 48kHz and the connected device/mixer to External.
TRIPLE•C Stereo version in a Group Insert
•Connect the TRIPLE•C Stereo in a
• With this setup you are able to use compression on e.g. an entire
Please note that if you route one or more channels on your mixer to both the Master Out and to a
subgroup where a digital Compressor is inserted, you
can experience an unwanted