•The coffeemaker must be decalcified periodically. Over time, mineral deposits build up on internal parts and effect the operation of the appliance. The frequency of decalcification depends on the hardness of your water and how often you use the Drip Coffeemaker. Indications that decalcifying is necessary are:
oIncreased noise during production o Excessive steaming
o Longer brewing times
oThe pumping action stops before all of the water has been pumped from the water reservoir
•If usage is regular, decalcifying should be carried out as follows:
oWith soft water, decalcify once per year
oWith medium water, decalcify every 3 months o With hard water, decalcify monthly
•We recommend the use of vinegar for decalcifying.
1.Pour 20 ounces
2.Follow steps
3.Repeat the process above except use clear cool water in place of vinegar to rinse any remaining traces of the vinegar from the system. Rinse twice using clean cool water each time.
•Coffee or water leaks from coffee filter basket
oFilter is not properly placed or is folded over
oFilter basket is not properly in place
oCoffee carafe or carafe cover is not in place
oToo much coffee in filter
oFilter basket valve is dirty, broken or missing
•Coffee does not come out or is very slow
oNo water in coffee water reservoir
oNo coffee in filter holder
oBasket is not properly in place
oCoffee carafe or carafe cover is not in place
oFilter clogged because coffee is ground too fine or packed too tight o Appliance needs to be decalcified