Peavey Automix2 Introduction, Theory of Operation Front Panel Front Panel Features, Channel Level

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Thank you for purchasing the Automixª 2! The Architectural Acoustics Automixª 2 is a high quality automatic mixer with eight transformer balanced mic/line inputs. Each channel provides a gain control, 48 Volt phantom power (mic inputs), low cut filter, activity/clipping LED, an Aux send control and a choice between manual or automatic operation. Each channel also provides a defeatable insert point, 5 Volt TTL status output and can be muted individually or multiple channels can be muted simultaneously via an assignable mutebus. In addition, channels one and two provide an adjustable priority control.

The master section provides a gain trim control, three 1/9 octave sweepable notch filters, a downward expander, transformer balanced outputs (main and aux) and remote volume connections. The Automixª 2 has been designed to easily link multiple units together to form a single mixer with many more inputs (16, 24, 32...). The Automix 2 is supplied with a see-through plexiglass security panel to prevent changes to the installerÕs settings.







Manual Mode: In the manual mode the channel level controls provide 6dB of gain and 50dB of attenuation.

Auto Mode: In the auto mode the control still provides 50dB of attenuation, but the control does not add gain to the overall system level. Instead, when the level is adjusted above Ò0Ó, the other channels are attenuated to make the channel being adjusted sound louder in the mix without adding to the system gain.


The master level controls the overall output level. The range is set for 10dB of gain above, and 40dB of attenuation.


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Contents AUTOMIX2ª Page Master Level Theory of Operation Front Panel Front Panel FeaturesIntroduction Channel LevelInternal Panel Internal Panel Features Master Gain Trim Power LEDAUX Master Level Control Downward ExpanderBack Panel Features Main OUT Remote VolumeMute Status OutputLink Port Link SwitchPower Switch MutebusEIN General Specs Setting the Notch Filter AUTOMIXª Setting up the Automixª Wiring Inputs and OutputsInitial Control Settings Setting the Channel LevelAttaching the Security Panel Setting the Overall LevelInterruptores DIP Funciones DEL Panel InternoFunciones DEL Panel Frontal Nivel DE Canal Nivel MaestroRecorte DE Ganancia Corte DE BAJOS/PLANODESACTIVADO/+48 Control DE SE„AL DE Muestra AuxiliarControl DE Frecuencia DE Filtro DE Muesca Funciones DEL Panel PosteriorRecorte DE Ganancia Maestro Control DE Nivel DE Filtro DE MuescaSalidas Directas Entradas DE LêNEAENTRADA/SALIDA DE INSERCIîN Interruptor DE DERIVACIîN DE SE„ALSalida Auxiliar Volumen RemotoEstado DE Salida Salida PrincipalConmutador DE Enlace Niveau DU Canal DIP SwitchsPanneau Avant Controles DU Panneau Avant Controles DU Panneau InterneGain ExpandeurGain Master Sorties Direct Niveau DU Notch FilterLED Dõalimentation Insert Commutateur BypassSortie AUX Controle DU Volume a DistanceEtat DE Sortie Sortie MainConnexion IEC Alimentation Port LinkSelecteur Link Interrupteur DõalimentationHauptpegelregler Master Level Interne Panel FeaturesEinleitung KanalpegelAUX Master Pegelregler AUX Send ReglerAKTIVIT€T DER AKTIVIT€TS-/CLIP-LED Priority NUR Channel 1 undGER€TER†CKSEITE MIKROFONEING€NGE MIC Inputs Notch Filter PegelreglerNotch Filter Frequenzregler NETZ/SPANNUNGS-LEDInsert Bypass Schalter DIREKTAUSG€NGEAnmerkung Jeder Kanal kann maximal 10 mA speisen Hauptausgang Main OUT Link Schalter NetzschalterNETZANSCHLU§BUCHSE Peavey Electronics Corporation Limited Warranty Important Safety Instructions 80304515