O P E R A T I O N 9
U S I N G T H E C 3 A N D A L L O F I T S F E A T U R E S
This section contains detailed information on how to power up your C3 oven, cooking and programming instructions, and operation tips. Read this information thoroughly and refer back to it as necessary.
Oven Operating Components |
D I S P L A Y | The primary interface to relay messages to the operator. |
K E Y P A D | The primary interface for the operator to use the oven. |
C O O K C A V I T Y | Cavity in which food products are cooked. |
Product Recipes |
R E C I P E | A “recipe” is a food program that consists of total cooking time, event time, percentage of hot |
| airflow (AIR) required, and microwave (MW) level required. |
C O O K C Y C L E | The operation of a recipe. |
C O O K E V E N T | Segment of a recipe. Up to 6 events can be programmed for each recipe. |
E V E N T T I M E | Time of a single cook event, as a percent of the total cook time. |
A I R | Percent of convection motor speed during a cook event |
| speed, the more intense the hot airflow. |
WAV | Percent of time that microwave is used |
| microwave is present for 5 out of every 10 seconds within a given cook event. |
C O O K T E M P E R A T U R E | Temperature at which all recipes cook and at which the oven idles between cook cycles. |
S E T P O I N T |
Modes |
M O D E | A mode is a software environment that allows certain operations to occur. C3 oven main modes |
| consist of the following: Off, Warming Up, Cooking, Cooling Down, Edit, and Test. |
O F F M O D E | When in OFF mode, there is no power to the oven’s main components except the oven control. |
W A R M I N G U P M O D E | Mode during which the actual oven temperature is brought up to the set point in preparation |
| for cooking. |
C O O K I N G M O D E | Mode during which the oven cooks a food product. |
C O O L I N G D O W N M O D E | Same as the OFF mode, except the convection motor blows cool air into the cook cavity. |
E D I T M O D E | Mode during which recipe settings can be edited and tested. |
T E S T M O D E | Mode during which various diagnostic tests can be run. |