Kenmore 596.52679200, 596.53463300, 596.52672200, 596.53464300 manual Side-by-Side Refrigerator

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ORDER # 67003291


Side-by-Side Refrigerator

Use & Care Guide

Refrigerador D_plex


Guia para el Uso y Cuidado

R_frigerateur _ Compartiments Juxtaposes

Guide D'utilisationet D'entretien



596.53462300, 596.53463300, 596.53464300, 596.53469300, 596.52672200, 596.52673200, 596.52674200, 596.52679200, 596.50002100, 596.50003100, 596.50004100, 596.50009100, 596.50012100, 596.50013100, 596.50014100, 596.50019100






Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A.


Sears Canada, Inc.,Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5B 2B8

Au Canada,

Image 1
Contents Side-by-Side Refrigerator SYMBOLS, Words ImportantsafetyihformatiohSears Maintenance Agreement Sears Installation ServiceInthe U.S.A Full Five Year Warranty on Sealed Refrigeration System Full One Year Warranty on RefrigeratorProductrecord Sears, Roebuck and Co., Dept WA, Hoffman Estates, IL13-14 Service Back Cover15-16 18-22Recommended Volume Top Sides RearUnit Total ClearanceInstalling Full Length Extruded Handles Installing FrontMounted Handles Removing FRONT- Mounted Handles16THEDOORS IhstallihgY46 mm Panel Dimensions Installing PanelsRemoving Panels PropertyImportantdo not overtighten. Cross threading may occur Materials Needed¾ hex head driver Refrigeratorby turning rear If required, correct rockingLevel Rocking corner. If doors areFresh Food Storage Dial ControlsElectronic Controls Frozen Food StorageWater Filter WATERfIlTERINSTALLATIONINSTALLINGReplacing Water Filter Fitrdata SpecificationsPerformance Data General USE ConditionsBeverage Spillproof ShelvesDairy Center TILT-OUT Door BucketsHUMIDITY-CONTRO Lled TemperatureProduce Storage Tips Storage To use dispenser pad ErightDispenser Operation Filter Status Indicator LightDispenser Lock Auto LightTemperature Keys IndicatorLight Function Filter StatusAlarm OFF Vacation ModeMAX Cool MAX FreezeAuto Display Sabbath ModeON/OFF Function HiddenStainless Steel Doors and Exterior Textured Doors and ExteriorDoor Gaskets Condenser Fan Outlet GrilleLower Fresh Food Upper Fresh Food SectionFreezer Section ICE and Water DispenserGurgling or boiling Air rushing or whirringSound Problem @NT IeandwaterDispenserwateris not cold @NT0NSE EtlEOI,ISI6$ ES CES SYMBOLES,MOTS.ETSecurite ApprenezreconnatreServicedinstallationSears Remplacementdu produitcouvertsilne peut6trer6par6AUX I=TATS-UNIS ContratdentretienSearsGarantiecompletedecinqanssurle systemede rdfrigrationscell Garantiecompleteduneanneesur le refrig6rateurPiecesseulement,contrelesvicesdemati6re Oudefabrication Conservezce guideet le reguSearsdans33-38 RFRI6RATgR Moinsde Refrigrateur,sonemplacementdfinitif5m2 S.c mm Dimontage Dune Poignee DE Installez LESMontee a Lavant Retirez LES Poignie QUI Sont Montis DU Cote DE LA PorteIsquerdendommagerni brser le ulonder6glage Celui-ciOuvre-charninoncompriscarreles Fermerles portesDI Montage DES Panneaux Pose DES PanneauxRemarque Tubeen cuivreflexiblede 6,4 mm¼ po de diametreext6rieur MATI=RIEL NI CessairePourviter desdommagesmatdriels Pourprot6gerlesbiensmat6rielsoule Mati Riel NI CessaireTournevis&t6tehexagonalede %po Niveau Dterminerlaquelledes deuxportes dolt trereleveeModeles Ilectroniques DE Commande DE Tempirature Commande DECadran U Produits FraisRemplacement DU Installation DU Filtre a EAUEau Distributeurpg.45Conditions GI NI Rales Dutilisation Caracteristiques DE PerformanceDE Flaque Etagi RES DE RetenueCasier Pour Produits Laitiers Compartiment DE BoissonBAC a Tempi Rature Contrcli E BAC a LI Gumes aBAC Collations Plateau a CanettesCongelateur Fixe BAC DE Congelateur LAYETTEPANli RTablette a Creme Glaci EPourutiliserlatouchedu distributeur Fonctionnement DE LA Voyant Machine a Glace Mode SabbatStatut DU Filtre Verrouillage DU DistributeurStatut DU Filtre LegereVerrouillage DU CL¢S DE LAAlarm OFF Arrt Dalarme Mode DE VacancesSITIfELECTRCNIQUEDECMMANDE,SUJT Maximum FraisDEOMMAHI,SUnE Mode DE Conversion DE LASerrure CACHF.EPOUR Supi Rieur LE Bloc DE Fonction Dactif ARRETE111Extrieuret portes Accessoires ClayettesTextures Intrieurdela caissePartie I.NFI Rieure DU Refrigerateur B Partie UPI Rieure DUCongi Lateur DU Modele Avec Distributeur a RefrigerateurEouillonnementou Lairest propulsdGargouillement BruitsourdPas Type Cause PossibleCTiONNEMENT,SUITE Type Cause Possible SolutionETEAU,SUtT Par unemiseen serviceou un reaccordementdeauincorrectMarqu Incluyendolassiguientes Laspalabrasy LAS Etiquetasde SeguridadPELIGRO-Riesgosinminentesque ADVERTENClA-Riesgospr£cticasEN Canada EN LOS EE.UUServiciode instalaci6nSears NuestrapromesaReparamosIoque VendemosGarantiacompletade un ahoparael refrigerador GAR,J Niia68-69 61-6670-71 73-77Paraasegurarunbuencierrede la Menos de Pies Ct3bicos Sde CQbicosNivelaci6ndel refrigeradorpagfna66 Frente DE LA Seccion DEL Alimentos DEL AlimentosFrescos Para Quitar LAS Asas Extruidas DE Largo CompletoCierrelaspuertas ParaevitardaSosmateriales,ooserveIo SiguientePaneles Como Instalar LOSPanels Como Quitar LOSParaevitardafiosmaterialeso posible Materiales NecesariosDestornilladorhexagonalde Nivel MaterialesnecesariosDel reloj Control DE LA Temperatura DEL Dial OntrolbElectronicos DE LA Temperatura Alimentos FrescosReemplazo DEL Filtro DE Agua Instalacion DEL Filtro DE AguaCondiciones DE USO Generales DATO€. 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596.50003100, 596.50002100, 596.534623, 596.52674200, 596.50004100 specifications

The Kenmore 596 series, including models 596.53463300, 596.52679200, 596.52672200, 596.53464300, and 596.52673200, is a line of high-quality refrigerators designed to meet the diverse needs of modern kitchens. These models are known for their sleek design and efficient performance.

One of the main features of this series is the spacious interior, designed to maximize storage capacity while maintaining convenience. The large fresh food compartment includes adjustable shelves, gallon door bins, and a crisper drawer that help keep fruits and vegetables fresh for longer. The layout is aimed at making organization easy and accessible.

Another standout characteristic of the Kenmore 596 series is the advanced cooling technology. The models are equipped with a multi-air flow system that ensures even distribution of cold air throughout the refrigerator, preventing hot spots and ensuring that all food items are kept at optimal temperatures. Additionally, the series features frost-free technology, which eliminates the need for manual defrosting, saving time and effort for users.

In terms of energy efficiency, the Kenmore 596 series is designed to operate on minimal power consumption while maintaining peak performance. Each model is compliant with ENERGY STARĀ® standards, which means they meet the strict guidelines set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for energy efficiency. This not only reduces energy bills but also contributes to a more sustainable environment.

The exterior of the Kenmore refrigerators includes a contemporary finish, available in various colors to match different kitchen aesthetics. The stainless steel options are particularly popular due to their modern look and ease of cleaning. Moreover, integrated LED lighting helps users find items effortlessly, illuminating the interior without generating excess heat.

Additional features include adjustable temperature controls, a water and ice dispenser (in select models), and smart home compatibility, allowing users to monitor and control their refrigerator remotely.

Overall, the Kenmore 596 series combines functionality, efficiency, and style, making it a worthy investment for any household looking for a reliable and modern refrigeration solution. With a focus on user-friendly features and innovative technologies, these models stand out as some of the best refrigerators on the market today.