Kenmore 596.50003100 DEL Dispensador, Traba DEL Surtidor, Foco Indicador DEL Estado DEL Filtro

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Operaci6ndeldispensador dispensar:

Modoselectodel CUBED(cubo),del CRUSHED(agolpamiento),del WATER (agua)empujandoel bot6nen panelde

controldeldispensadorUnaluzde. indicadorverdesobreel bot6nmuestrala



dispensadorEl. modode la selecci6nno

puedeset cambiadomientrasque el

dispensadordel hieloest_ en la operacibn.

NOTA:Siel dispensadordelaguaes continuamenteactivopormasde5 minutos, unautom&ticobloqueahaciafueraelsensor cerrar_potenciaal, &readeldispensador. Paratasinstruccionesenc6moabrirsu

dispensador,vealasecci6ntituladaTraba del Surtidorabajo.


Estacaracteristicaimpidequese @ surtahieloo agua.

Paratrabary destrabarel surtidor:

Paratrabarel surtidor,oprimay mantenga oprimidoelbot6nLOCK/UNLOCK

(trabar/destrabar)durante3 segundosUn. focoverdeindicadorubicadoencimadel

bot6nconfirmaqueel surtidorse encuentratrabado.

Paradestrabare] surtidor,mantenga oprimidoel bot6nLOCK/UNLOCK

(trabar/destrabar)durante3 segundosEl. focoverdeindicadorubicadoencimadel

bot6nse apagara.






;oo °












Parareajustarel indicador:

:_ Oprimay mantengasimult&neamente oprimidoslosbotonesLOCK/UNLOCK (trabar/destrabar)y WATER(agua)

durante4 segundosElfocoverde. indicadordelestadodelfiltrodestellar_3.

vecescuandolafunci6nse reajuste correctamente.


Lafunci6ndelfoco_,_,_._o autom&ticoofrecelahabilidad deactivarel focodelsurtidora media potenciacuandoel LIGHTSENSOR(sensor deluz)detectaquelosnivelesdeluzde la habitaci6nestanbajos.

Paraactivary desactivarel foco autom_tico:

Paraactivarlo,oprimael bot6nON/OFF (apagar/encender)ubicadoen eltablero decontrol.Unfocoverdeindicador ubicadoencimadelbotSnmuestraqueel sensorest&activado.

_- Paradesactivarlo,oprimaelbot6n ON/OFF(apagar/encender)Elfocoverde. indicadorseapagar&.

NOTA:Elfocodelsurtidorfuncionar_tanto, si se selecciona noseseleccionael foco automatico.




desactivarlaenergiael6ctricade lasluces

LEDy delsurtidor,ala vezquepermitedejar funcionalesloscontroles.

Paraactivarla modalidadSabbath:

Oprimay mantengaoprimidoslos botones LOCK/UNLOCK(trabar/destrabar)y ON/OFF(apagar/encender) simultaneamentedurante3 a 4 segundos.

Despu_sde3 a 4 segundos,se

apagar_nlaslucesLEDy las del surtidorLaluzdel. surtidorno se

activar_mientrassurtecuandoestden estamodalidad.

Paradesactivarla modalidadSabbath:

Oprimay mantengaoprimidoslos botones LOCK/UNLOCK(trabar/destrabar)y ON/OFF(apagar/encender) simult_.neamentedurante3 a4 segundos. Despuesde3 a 4 segundos,se activar&n las lucesLEDy lasdelsurtidor.

NOTA:Encasodequese interrumpala energiaelectricamientrasse encuentre activalamodalidadSabbath,elcontrol permanecer&enestamodalidadcuandose restablezcalaenergiael_ctrica.

Image 74
Contents Side-by-Side Refrigerator Importantsafetyihformatioh SYMBOLS, WordsInthe U.S.A Sears Installation ServiceSears Maintenance Agreement Productrecord Full One Year Warranty on RefrigeratorFull Five Year Warranty on Sealed Refrigeration System Sears, Roebuck and Co., Dept WA, Hoffman Estates, IL15-16 Service Back Cover13-14 18-22Unit Total Volume Top Sides RearRecommended ClearanceMounted Handles Installing FrontInstalling Full Length Extruded Handles Removing FRONT- Mounted HandlesIhstallihg 16THEDOORSRemoving Panels Installing PanelsY46 mm Panel Dimensions PropertyMaterials Needed Importantdo not overtighten. Cross threading may occurLevel If required, correct rocking¾ hex head driver Refrigeratorby turning rear Rocking corner. If doors areElectronic Controls Dial ControlsFresh Food Storage Frozen Food StorageReplacing Water Filter WATERfIlTERINSTALLATIONINSTALLINGWater Filter Performance Data General USE SpecificationsFitrdata ConditionsDairy Center Spillproof ShelvesBeverage TILT-OUT Door BucketsProduce Storage Tips TemperatureHUMIDITY-CONTRO Lled Storage Eright To use dispenser padDispenser Lock Filter Status Indicator LightDispenser Operation Auto LightLight Function IndicatorTemperature Keys Filter StatusMAX Cool Vacation ModeAlarm OFF MAX FreezeON/OFF Function Sabbath ModeAuto Display HiddenDoor Gaskets Textured Doors and ExteriorStainless Steel Doors and Exterior Condenser Fan Outlet GrilleFreezer Section Upper Fresh Food SectionLower Fresh Food ICE and Water DispenserSound Air rushing or whirringGurgling or boiling Problem Ieandwater @NT@NT Dispenserwateris not coldSecurite CES SYMBOLES,MOTS.ET0NSE EtlEOI,ISI6$ ES ApprenezreconnatreAUX I=TATS-UNIS Remplacementdu produitcouvertsilne peut6trer6par6ServicedinstallationSears ContratdentretienSearsPiecesseulement,contrelesvicesdemati6re Oudefabrication Garantiecompleteduneanneesur le refrig6rateurGarantiecompletedecinqanssurle systemede rdfrigrationscell Conservezce guideet le reguSearsdans33-38 5m2 S.c mm Moinsde Refrigrateur,sonemplacementdfinitifRFRI6RATgR Montee a Lavant Installez LESDimontage Dune Poignee DE Retirez LES Poignie QUI Sont Montis DU Cote DE LA PorteOuvre-charninoncompriscarreles Celui-ciIsquerdendommagerni brser le ulonder6glage Fermerles portesRemarque Pose DES PanneauxDI Montage DES Panneaux Pourviter desdommagesmatdriels MATI=RIEL NI CessaireTubeen cuivreflexiblede 6,4 mm¼ po de diametreext6rieur Tournevis&t6tehexagonalede %po Niveau Mati Riel NI CessairePourprot6gerlesbiensmat6rielsoule Dterminerlaquelledes deuxportes dolt trereleveeCadran U Commande DEModeles Ilectroniques DE Commande DE Tempirature Produits FraisEau Installation DU Filtre a EAURemplacement DU Distributeurpg.45Caracteristiques DE Performance Conditions GI NI Rales DutilisationCasier Pour Produits Laitiers Etagi RES DE RetenueDE Flaque Compartiment DE BoissonBAC Collations BAC a LI Gumes aBAC a Tempi Rature Contrcli E Plateau a CanettesTablette a Creme LAYETTEPANli RCongelateur Fixe BAC DE Congelateur Glaci EPourutiliserlatouchedu distributeur Statut DU Filtre Mode SabbatFonctionnement DE LA Voyant Machine a Glace Verrouillage DU DistributeurVerrouillage DU LegereStatut DU Filtre CL¢S DE LASITIfELECTRCNIQUEDECMMANDE,SUJT Mode DE VacancesAlarm OFF Arrt Dalarme Maximum FraisSerrure CACHF.EPOUR Supi Rieur LE Bloc DE Mode DE Conversion DE LADEOMMAHI,SUnE Fonction Dactif ARRETE111Textures Accessoires ClayettesExtrieuret portes Intrieurdela caisseCongi Lateur DU Modele Avec Distributeur a Partie UPI Rieure DUPartie I.NFI Rieure DU Refrigerateur B RefrigerateurGargouillement Lairest propulsdEouillonnementou BruitsourdType Cause Possible PasType Cause Possible Solution CTiONNEMENT,SUITEPar unemiseen serviceou un reaccordementdeauincorrect ETEAU,SUtTMarqu PELIGRO-Riesgosinminentesque Laspalabrasy LAS Etiquetasde SeguridadIncluyendolassiguientes ADVERTENClA-Riesgospr£cticasServiciode instalaci6nSears EN LOS EE.UUEN Canada NuestrapromesaReparamosIoque VendemosGAR,J Niia Garantiacompletade un ahoparael refrigerador70-71 61-6668-69 73-77Nivelaci6ndel refrigeradorpagfna66 Menos de Pies Ct3bicos Sde CQbicosParaasegurarunbuencierrede la Frescos DEL AlimentosFrente DE LA Seccion DEL Alimentos Para Quitar LAS Asas Extruidas DE Largo CompletoParaevitardaSosmateriales,ooserveIo Siguiente CierrelaspuertasPanels Como Instalar LOSPaneles Como Quitar LOSMateriales Necesarios Paraevitardafiosmaterialeso posibleDel reloj MaterialesnecesariosDestornilladorhexagonalde Nivel Electronicos DE LA Temperatura OntrolbControl DE LA Temperatura DEL Dial Alimentos FrescosInstalacion DEL Filtro DE Agua Reemplazo DEL Filtro DE AguaEspecificaciones DATO€. DE FuncionamientoCondiciones DE USO Generales Losreglamentosy leyeslocalesy estatalesRecipientes Inclinables DE LA Puerta Bandejas a Prueba DE DerramesCentro DE Productos Lacteos BebidaCajon DE Bocadillos Cajones DE LAS Verduras CONControlada OrganizadorCanasta DE Alambre Repisa Fija DELRepisa Para Helados Recipiente DE Almacenaje DE HieloSiguientes NOcoloqueos dedos,las manosni SgflTIDOflDEAGUALaluzsoactivaenel readelsuidoratoda Parausarla almohadilladesurtidoFoco Indicador DEL Estado DEL Filtro DEL DispensadorTraba DEL Surtidor Foco AutomaticoDispensador Configuracicn DE LA TemperaturaDEL Foco Indicador ,,TARATERISTICASELETrOHIOiELCONTROL,oNt AlarmarVacation Mode Modo DE LA MAX Freeze Maximo HeladoBloqueo Seleccion DE LA Medida DE LA TemperaturaFunoion Activo Inactivo Impiezadesurefrigrador Seccion DEL a Seccion Superior DELSeccion Inferior DEL HielosCirculando GolpeteoAirecorrienteo GorgoreooLOCALIZACiOHY CiOHAMEHTOOCAIlZAIOHY I111 Page Page Page III Your Home Iiiliiiii!i

596.50003100, 596.50002100, 596.534623, 596.52674200, 596.50004100 specifications

The Kenmore 596 series, including models 596.53463300, 596.52679200, 596.52672200, 596.53464300, and 596.52673200, is a line of high-quality refrigerators designed to meet the diverse needs of modern kitchens. These models are known for their sleek design and efficient performance.

One of the main features of this series is the spacious interior, designed to maximize storage capacity while maintaining convenience. The large fresh food compartment includes adjustable shelves, gallon door bins, and a crisper drawer that help keep fruits and vegetables fresh for longer. The layout is aimed at making organization easy and accessible.

Another standout characteristic of the Kenmore 596 series is the advanced cooling technology. The models are equipped with a multi-air flow system that ensures even distribution of cold air throughout the refrigerator, preventing hot spots and ensuring that all food items are kept at optimal temperatures. Additionally, the series features frost-free technology, which eliminates the need for manual defrosting, saving time and effort for users.

In terms of energy efficiency, the Kenmore 596 series is designed to operate on minimal power consumption while maintaining peak performance. Each model is compliant with ENERGY STARĀ® standards, which means they meet the strict guidelines set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for energy efficiency. This not only reduces energy bills but also contributes to a more sustainable environment.

The exterior of the Kenmore refrigerators includes a contemporary finish, available in various colors to match different kitchen aesthetics. The stainless steel options are particularly popular due to their modern look and ease of cleaning. Moreover, integrated LED lighting helps users find items effortlessly, illuminating the interior without generating excess heat.

Additional features include adjustable temperature controls, a water and ice dispenser (in select models), and smart home compatibility, allowing users to monitor and control their refrigerator remotely.

Overall, the Kenmore 596 series combines functionality, efficiency, and style, making it a worthy investment for any household looking for a reliable and modern refrigeration solution. With a focus on user-friendly features and innovative technologies, these models stand out as some of the best refrigerators on the market today.