Agilent Technologies 54624A, 54621D, 54622D, 54622A, 54621A manual Setting up the Oscilloscope

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Setting up the Oscilloscope

After you have done a few basic tasks, you will connect probes to the oscilloscope. The number of probes, and the type of probes that you will use depends on the oscilloscope model that you have.

When using the Agilent 54621A and 54622A 2-channel Oscilloscopes, and the Agilent 54624A 4-channel Oscilloscope, you will connect and use analog probes to examine analog signals.

Analog channels (2 or 4, depending on the oscilloscope model)

When using the Agilent 54621D and 54622D Mixed-Signal Oscilloscopes, you will connect and use both analog and digital probes to examine analog and digital signals.

Analog channels (2)

Digital channels (16)


Image 25
Contents Agilent 54621D/22D Mixed-Signal Oscilloscope Horizontal Controls select sweep speed and delay parameters Display shows current input signalsSoftkeys extend the functionality of command keys UtilitiesThis Book Contents Troubleshooting the Oscilloscope Solving General Problems with the OscilloscopesContents General Information General Information To inspect package contents General Information Package contents for 54620-Series Oscilloscopes Option Description To inspect options and accessoriesModel Description Accessories availablePlug Type Cable Part Number Power CordsAcquisition Analog Channels Performance CharacteristicsAcquisition Digital Channels on 54621D and 54622D only Probe ID Agilent/HP Auto probe sense Tek Compatible Vertical System Analog ChannelsAccuracy = ±2.0%80 mV + 0.4%80 mV = ±1.92 mV Vertical System Digital Channels 54621D and 54622D onlySample rate of 200/400 MSa/s HorizontalCan Trigger SystemDigital D15 D0 Channel Triggering 54621D and 5462 2D Analog Channel TriggeringExternal EXT Triggering Display System Measurement FeaturesStorage FFTPower Requirements General CharacteristicsPreparing the Oscilloscope for Use Preparing the Oscilloscope for Use Setting up the Oscilloscope To adjust the handle To adjust the handlePress the power switch To power-on the oscilloscopeTo power-on the oscilloscope To adjust the display intensity To adjust the display intensityIntensity control To compensate your probe To connect the oscilloscope probesTo connect the oscilloscope probes Press AutoscaleTo use the digital probes mixed-signal oscilloscope only To use the digital probes mixed-signal oscilloscope onlyGrabber Signal Lead Ground Lead Grabber Signals Ground To connect an RS-232 cable To connect a printerTo connect a printer Press the Autoscale key on the front panel To verify basic oscilloscope operationTo verify basic oscilloscope operation Verifying Basic Oscilloscope OperationGetting started using the oscilloscope interface To verify basic oscilloscope operation Using Quick Help Preparing the Oscilloscope for Use Loading a language from floppy disk Loading a language from floppy diskDisconnect power from the instrument Cleaning the oscilloscopeTesting Performance If a performance test fails Testing PerformanceList of Test Equipment Equipment Critical SpecificationsList of Test Equipment Part NumberTo construct the test connector To construct the test connectorMaterials Required to Construct the Test Connectors Constructing the 8-by-2 ConnectorPress the Autoscale key To test the 54621D/22D Oscilloscope digital channelsTo test the 54621D/22D Oscilloscope digital channels To verify digital channel threshold accuracy To verify digital channel threshold accuracyMethod 1 Using the Test Connector Method 2 Using the Test Fixture Threshold voltage setting DC offset voltage setting Limits Threshold Accuracy Voltage Test SettingsEquipment Critical Specifications Recommended Model/Part Set up the oscilloscopeTo verify voltage measurement accuracy To verify voltage measurement accuracyMV/Div 616 mV 384 mV Settings Used to Verify Voltage Measurement AccuracyUse a Blocking Capacitor to Reduce Noise Using a Blocking Capacitor to Reduce NoiseTo verify bandwidth To verify bandwidthEquipment Required to Verify Bandwidth Signal Generator Frequency Setting Calculate the response using this formulaChange the time base to 5 ns/div Selected Channel 54621A/21D 54622A/22D 54624ATo verify horizontal Dt and 1/Dt accuracy To verify horizontal ∆t and 1/∆t accuracy54622A/22D/24A only Measure the following54621A and 54621D only To verify trigger sensitivity To verify trigger sensitivityEquipment Required to Verify Trigger Sensitivity Test Internal Trigger Sensitivity Test External Trigger Sensitivity Agilent 54622A/22D/24A Performance Test Record Agilent 54621A/54621D Agilent 54621A/21D Performance Test RecordCalibrating and Adjusting Calibrating and Adjusting Hazardous Voltages Prepare the oscilloscope for the voltage adjustment To adjust the power supplyTo adjust the power supply Digital multimeterSupply Voltage Tolerance Power Supply Voltage Tolerances+3.3V Adjustment To perform User Cal To perform User CalTo adjust the oscilloscope display To adjust the oscilloscope displayWhen to Adjust the Oscilloscope Display Do not adjust Sub Bri or Cont controls96,= Troubleshooting Read All Cautions and Warnings TroubleshootingIf there is no trace display Solving General Problems with the OscilloscopesIf the trace display is unusual or unexpected If the trace display is unusual or unexpectedIf you cannot see a channel If you cannot see a channelEquipment Required to Troubleshoot the Oscilloscope Troubleshooting the OscilloscopeLocation of the Low Voltage Power Supply Connectors Connector Load Amps Resistor WattsTo construct your own dummy load To construct your own dummy loadTo check out the oscilloscope Connect the power cord, then turn on the oscilloscopeTo check out the oscilloscope Low Voltage Power Supply Tolerances Display Signals on the System Board All OscilloscopesSignal Name Frequency Pulse Width Voltage Is the fan running? Location of the Fan ConnectorTo check the Low Voltage Power Supply To check the Low Voltage Power SupplyLow Voltage Power Supply Test Points Beware of Hazardous Voltages If the Fuse is BlownTo run the internal self-tests To run the internal self-testsReplacing Assemblies Replacing Assemblies Avoid Electrical Shock To remove the cabinet To remove the cabinetRemoving the cabinet To remove the fan To remove the fanRemoving the fan To remove the floppy drive To remove the floppy driveRemoving the floppy drive To remove the front panel To remove the front panelRemoving the intensity shaft and front panel To remove the display To remove the displayRemoving the display Unhooking the power switch shaft To remove the system board To remove the system boardPreparing to remove the system board Removing the system board To remove the power supply To remove the power supplyDisconnecting ground wire and ribbon cable Unhooking the power switch shaft Removing the power supply Lift the keyboard assembly straight out To remove the keyboard assemblyTo remove the keyboard assembly Removing the keyboard assemblyTo remove the handle To remove the handleReplaceable Parts Replaceable Parts To order a replacement part To order a replacement partExploded View of the 54621A/22A/24A/21D/22D Oscilloscope Reference Agilent Part Qty Description Designator Number To order a replacement part Replaceable PartsMP1 Probes Option Accessory pouch and front-panel coverInput Cable 54621D/22D only Manufacturer’s Address Manufacturer’s NameProduct Name Model NumbersProduct Regulations SafetySound Pressure Level Regulatory Information for CanadaSafety Agilent Technologies, Inc Document Warranty
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