Craftsman 247.887210 manual Adjusting Shift Lever Cable, Blade Care, SupportBolt, Belt Care

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Periodicadjustmentof the sixspeedshiftcable maybe necessarydue to normalwearon the cable.Adjustmentis neededif all sixspeedsdo not work.The adjustablecablebracketis locatedonthe leftside of the mowerbesidethe engine.SeeFigure17.

1.Startengineandplaceshift leverinthe sixth speedposition.

2.Stopengineanddisconnectsparkplugwireandgroundit against engine.

3.Loosenhex nutwhichsecuresthe adjustablecablebracket.See Figure17.

4.Pushbackon the adjustablecablebracket.



When removingthe cutting bladefor sharpeningor replacement, protectyour handswitha pairof heavyglovesor use a heavyragto


holdthe blade.


Periodicallyinspectthe bladeadapterforcracks,especiallyif you strikeaforeignobject.Replacewhennecessary.Followthe steps belowfor bladeservice.

1.Disconnectsparkplugbootfromsparkplug.Turnmoweronits side makingsurethat theair filterand thecarburetorarefacing up.

2.Removethebolt andthe bladebellsupportwhichholdthe blade andthe bladeadapterto the enginecrankshaft.SeeFigure18.

NOTE: Whenremovingthe blade,bladeadapter,etc.,becarefulnot to removeor lose partsaboveit associatedwiththe enginepulley.

3.Removebladeandadapterfromthe crankshaft.SeeFigure18.

4.Removebladefromtheadapterfortestingbalance.Balancethe bladeon a roundshaft screwdriverto check. Removemetalfrom

the heavyside untilit balancesevenly.Whensharpeningthe blade,followthe originalangleof grind.Grindeachcuttingedge equallyto keepthe bladebalanced.

An unbalancedbladewillcauseexcessivevibrationwhenrotating at highspeeds.It maycausedamageto mowerandcouldbreak causingpersonalinjury.

5.Lubricatethe enginecrankshaftand theinnersurfaceof the blade adapterwithlightoil. Slidethe bladeadapterontotheengine crankshaft.Placethe bladeonthe adaptersuchthatthe sideof the blademarked"Bottom"(orwith part number)facesthe ground whenthe moweris inthe operatingposition.Makesurethatthe bladeis alignedandseatedonthe bladeadapterflanges.

6.Placebladebell supportonthe blade.Alignnotcheson the blade bellsupportwithsmallholesin blade.

7.Replacehexboltand tightenhexbolt to torque:450in. Ibs. rain., 600in. Ibs.max.

Toensuresafeoperationof yourmower,periodicallycheckthe blade boltfor correcttorque.




NOTE:Severalcomponentsmustbe removedinorderto changethe mower'sdrivebelt. SeeanauthorizedSearsServiceCenterto have

your belt replaced.


Image 17
Contents 14/2009 FORM1/0TroubleShooting ServiceandMaintenanceServiceNumbers SafeOperationPracticesWhich,if not followed,couldendangerthe personal ChildrenGeneral Operation Slope Operation ServicePage This page left intentionallyblank Page Opening Carton AssemblyRemoving Unit from Carton Loose Parts in CartonPage ADJUSTMENTSf Lever GAS and OIL FILL-UP Colder -32FWarmer Oi! Viscosity ChartTo Start Engine Oil one bottle shipped with unit FirstTime UseUsing Grass Catcher Using Your Lawn MowerUsing Side Discharge Using AS IVlULCHEREngine Maintenance Alwaysstopengine,disconnectsparkplugwire,andgroundagainstGeneral Recommendations Checking the Spark PlugClean Engine InstallandtightendipstickOil Fill/Dipstick AirLUBRiCATiON Cleaning DeckReplacing Rear Flap DisconnectBlade Care Adjusting Shift Lever CableSupportBolt Belt CarePositive Terminal Negative Rminal Replacing BatteryChargedupon initialsetupandafterany otherextendedperiodsof Center or to scheduleservice,simplycontact Searsat MaintenanceBlown Fuse SchedulePreparing the Lawn Mower Preparing the EngineNeed More HELP? BlowerhousingSelf Propelled Mower B Model No 925-04347 Self Propelled Mower B Model No Model No Self Propelled Mower110SSOPERATORSMANUAq I 48S,ORTBLOOK 968 935i I851305i 592 Jet-MainStandardincludesO-RingSeal 694864 Bracket-Control 694543 ScrewFuelTank298090S Lever-GovernorControl 271716 Washer-Sealing966 795151 Base-AirCleanerPrimer 1211 498144 795099 ScrewBrake 691138 ScrewBlowerHousingCoverPage Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty Provisions Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty CoverageModerate Coverage in Canadavarieson someitems. Forfull details call Sears Canadaat Sears Installation ServiceGuia de cuesta Etiquetas de seguridad Montaje Declaraci6n De garantia Instrucciones De seguridad46-47 ServicioFuncionamiento General CuentalaadvertenciaFUNCIONAiVlIENTO Posteriorapropiado,lacubiertadedescarga,elcolectordecespedEN Pendientes SERVlCIODo15 Page C61VIO Sacar LA Unidad DE LA Caja Apertura DE LA Caja DE CartonPiezas Sueltas Dentro DE LA Caja IVIONTAJEFigura3 Conexi6n de la colectora de cspedControl de la transmisi6n AjustesAItura de torte DEL Nivel DE Aceite Palanca DE Ajuste DE LATapon DE ACEITE/VARILLA DE iVlEDICI6N Para Encender EL Motor Llenado DE Gasolina Y Aceite32F Mfis Mils frio 5W30 Tabla de viscosidad del aceiteUSO DE LA Cortadora DE Cesped Para Detener EL MotorUSO DEL Colector DE Cesped USO DE LA Descarga LateralManteniiviiento DEL Motor Recomendaciones GeneralesElectrodoPorcelana Separaci6n de 0.030 0.76mm Tornillos Cartucho de filtro de aire AseC6mo vaciar el aceite Inspeccione el aceite del motorAjuste del carburador Velocidad del motorTransmisi6n LubricacionLimpieza DE LA PLATAFORiVIA Caivibio DE LA Aleta TraseraAjuste DEL Cable DE LA Palanca DE CAiVIBIOSCuidado DE LA Cuchilla Soporte de campana Perno De la cuchillaCarga de la bateria Caivibio DE LA BATERiATerminalpositivo Terminalnegativo Fusible quemado PROGRAIVlA DE iVlANTENIlVIIENTOPreparacion DE LA Cortadora DE Preparacion DEL MotorCosped BateriaINECESITA MAS AYUDA? La Agencia de Protecci6n Ambiental de los Estados Unidos EPA Page Serviciode instalaci6nde Sears Continuaci6nsedetallanlos puntosincluidosenel AcuerdoPage Call anytime, day or night U.S.A. and Canada Your Home