IMPORTANT:Alwaysplugchargerleadinto batterypackleadfirst, f andtheninsertbatterychargerpluginto 120voltstandardhousehold outlet.Followthisorderof actioneverytimeyou chargethe battery.
Useonlythe batterychargersuppliedwiththismower.
Replacing Fuse Theelectricstartercircuitandbatteryareprotectedbya 40 ampere fuse.If thefuseburnsout,the electricstarterwill notoperate.Ifthe unitfailsto startwiththe electricstarter,performthe followingstepsto checkthe fuseinsidethe batteryhousing:
1.Openthe batterycoveras describedin ReplacingBattery.See Figure19.
2.Removefusefromsocketandinspectas shownin Figure22. If it is burnedout, replacewith standardautomotive40amperefuse.
3.Carefullyplacewiringbackinto housing,closebatterycover,and foldupperhandlebackintoplace.
NOTE:Theenginecan be startedmanuallyif the fuseburnsout.
Blown Fuse
X |
| Followthe maintenanceschedulegivenbelow.Thischartdescribes |
Beforeperforminganytypeof maintenance/service,disengageall |
| serviceguidelinesonly.Usethe ServiceLogcolumnto keeptrackof | ||
| completedmaintenancetasks.To locatethe nearest Sears Service | |||
controlsandstoptheengineWaituntilallmovingpartshavecometo. |
| |||
| Centeror to scheduleservice,simplycontactSearsat | |||
acompletestop.Disconnectsparkplugwireandgroundit againstthe |
| |||
| ||||
engineto preventunintendedstarting. |
| |||
| |||
Each Use | 1. | Engineoillevel | 1. | Check |
| 2. | Looseor missinghardware | 2. | Tightenor replace |
| 3. | Unitandengine. | 3. | Clean |
1. | Engineoil | 1. | Change | |
25 hours | 1. | Aircleaner1 | 1. | Cleanor replace |
| 2. | Controllinkages/pivotsandwheels | 2. | Lubewith lightoil |
50 hours | 1. | Engineoil ff | 1. | Change |
Annuallyor 100hours | 1. | Sparkplug | 1. | |
BeforeStorage | 1. | Fuelsystem | 1. | Runengineuntil it stopsfromlackof |
| fuelor adda stabilizerto thegas in the |
| tank. |
1 Cleanmoreoftenunderdustyconditionsorwhenairbornedebrisis present.Replaceaircleanerif verydirty.
ffChangeoil every25 hourswhereoperatingtheengineunderheavyloador in hightemperatures.