Craftsman 247.88933 manual GAS and OIL Fillup, Gas Fill, STARTmNG the Mower

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The operationof any lawnmowercan resultinforeignobiectsbeing thrownintothe eyes,whichcandamageyoureyesseverely,Always wearsafetyglasseswhileoperatingthe mower,orwhileperforming any adiustmentsor repairson it,

Useextremecarewhenhandlinggasoline,Gasolineis extremely flammableandthe vaporsareexplosive,Neverfuel machineindoors orwhilethe engineis hotor running,Extinguishcigarettes,cigars, pipes,andothersourcesof ignition,


Gas Fill

Besureno oneotherthanthe operatoris standingnearthe lawn


mowerwhile startingengineor operatingmower,Neverrunengine


indoorsor inenclosed,poorlyventilatedareas,Engineexhaust


containscarbonmonoxide,anodorbss anddeadlygas, Keephands,I feet,hair,andlooseclothingawayfromanymovingparts

Oil Fill

IMPORTANT:The moweris shippedwithmotoroil inthe engine; however,you MUSTcheckthe oil levelbeforeoperating,Oil shouldbe changedonce afterthefirst twohoursof operationandevery25hours

of operationthereafter,Usethegradeof engineoil specifiedinthe Maintenancesection,

1, Removethe oilfill cap/dipstickfromthe oilfill tube,

2, Checkthatthe levelof oil is upto the FULLmarkon the dipstick,

Ifneeded,pouroil slowlyintothe oilfill tubeuntila FULLoil level is achieved,

3, Replacethe oilfill cap/dipstick,

acidsduringstorage,Acidicgas candamagethefuel systemof an enginewhilein storage,

To avoidengineproblems,the fuel systemshouldbeemptiedbefore storagefor 30 daysor longer,Drainthe gastank, startthe engine andbt it rununtil thefuel linesandcarburetorareempty,Use freshfuel nextseason,SeeSTORAGEInstructionsfor additional information,

ge mayoccur,

IMPORTANT:The moweris shippedwithoutgas in thefuel tank,

Neverfill the fueltankcompletely,Fill the tankto nomorethan 1/2=inchbelowbottomof fillerneckto providespaceforfuel expansion,

Alwaysuseclean,fresh,unbadedgradeautomotivegasoline, Fill thefuel tankoutdoorsand usea funnelorspoutto prevent spilling,Makesurethatthe containerfromwhichyou pourthe gasolineis cleanandfree fromrustorotherforeignparticles, Makesureto wipe offany spilledfuelbeforestartingtheengine,

At the endof thejob, emptythe fueltank if the moweris not goingto beusedfor 30 daysor longer,Storegasolineina cban

containerandkeepthe cap in placeon the container,SeeSTOR= AGEinstructionsforadditionalinformation,


1, Rebaseallcontrolsonthe mowerto preventwheelsor blades fromrotating,

2, Movegearshift leverto neutral(N) position,

3, Movethe throttb/chokecontrolleverfullyupwardtochokesetting

I_1 to starta cold engineorto fast(rabbit)setting _11 to starta warmengine,

4, Tostart engineusingrecoilstarter:

a, Standon bft side (asviewedfrombehindhandbbars)of ma-

chine,Besureyour feetaresafelyawayfromthe underside of the mowerdeckandall mowercontrolsarereleased,

b, Graspstarterropehandb andpullslowlyuntil ropepulls slightlyharder,Let roperewindslowly,Then pullropewitha rapid,full arm stroke,Letropereturnslowly,Ifenginefailsto start afterthreepulls,repeatinstructions(trysettingthrottle at fast setting),

c, Whenenginestarts,operateinfast throttlesetting_1_ (movethrottle/chokecontrolbver fromchokesettingto fast setting),

Lookbehindthe mowerbeforeandduringreverseoperation,Stop the mowerbladesbeforeoperatingin reverse,

Ifyou strikea foreignobiect,stopthe engine,Removewirefromthe sparkplug,thoroughlyinspectmowerforany damage,andrepair damagebeforerestartingandoperating,Extensivevibrationof mowerduringoperationis anindicationof damage,The unitshould bepromptlyinspectedandrepaired,


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Contents Model No Visit our Web FORMNO,769-02963 15/2007Craftsman TwoYear Limited Warranty HorsePower 10,5 EngineOilFuel UnleadedGasoline SparkPlug ChampionRC12YC Engine Heeditswarning General OPERATmONTrouble AresurethebladehasstoppedrotatingTodosocanresultinpersonalinjury FailuretodosocanresultinpersonalinjurySight and how this levelwith a vertical tree This page left intentionallyblank Page Tools Needed For Assembly Loose PartsRemoving the Chute Holder Assembling the HandleFinal Adjustments MNSTALLmNG the Gear Shift LeverRear Tire Pressure THROTTLE/CHOKE Control Lever Deck Height LeverGAS CAP Gear Shift Lever Drive ControlENGmNE Controls Oil CapGAS and OIL Fillup Gas FillSTARTmNG the Mower MOVmNG the Mower Without ENGmNE Power USmNG the MowerMulching or SmDE-DISCHARGE MOWmNG Stopping the MowerENGmNE Maintenance Servicing the Air CleanerAirCleanerHandle General RECOMMENDATmONSChanging the Engine Oim Withthe starknobandcarriagescrewremovedearlier DrainValveProtective DrainCaD OilDrainHose Removing the Mower Deck Removing the Belt CoverCLEANmNG the ENGmNE and Deck Cleaning the Cutting Deck Deck WashSystemTMCmeaning the Engine Rear TmRE Pressure REPLACmNG the Traiung ShieldSERVmCmNGTHE CUTTmNGBLADES Removeflangenutto releasebladeREPLACmNGBELTS InstallingtheTimingBelt Replacing the BmadeTiming BeltReleaseallmowercontrols 10,ReplacethebeltcoverMaintenance Schedule Cleanengineof surfacedebris Preparing the ENGmNEPreparing the Lawn Mower TBaggerGrassCollectorPlacethrottle/chokeleverinto fast position Page Inch Wide Cut Mower- Modem No Page Inch Wide Cut Mower- Modem No Page 2oO Briggs & Stratton 10.5 H.P. Engine 215702-0466-E1868 13J 4¢ Carburetor Overhaul KIT 4s9 356Page BS-691909 Boot-SparkPlug BS-790442 Dipstick/TubeAssemblyBS-697420 CoverAirCleaner BS-697155 Retainer-AirFilterTransmission EP-17488 Page IgnitionSystem Time Caballosde fuerza10.5 Ntimero de modelo Aceitedel motor Ntimero de serieBriggs& StrattonPowerBuilt @SearsBrands,LLC ServicioNmt OS Instrucdonesqueaparecenen estemanualyen la mAqunaLostoque PuedenproducirselesionespersonalesSearsparaobtenerayuda Funcionamiento EN PendientesAHneey sostengaeste nJvelcon un rbol vertical StGALAADVERTENCIA Piezas Sueltas Dentro DE LA Caja Herramientas Necesarias Para EL MontajeRetiro DE LA Unidad DE LA Caja DE Montaje Retiro OEL Soporte OEL CanalMNSTALACI6N DE LA Palanca DE Cambio f DE VELOCmDADES Ajustes FinalesPresidn de los neumaticos traseros Palanca DE Control DEL Regulador Palanca DE Altura DE LA PlataformaTapon DE Combustible Control DE LA TRANSMISI6N Controles DEL MotorCuchillasno comenzarAn girarcuandoarrancaelmotor Tap6n de aceiteivarilla de medici6n del nivel de aceiteLlenado DE Gasouna Y Aceite Encendido DE LA Cortadora DE CospedOtrasfuentesdecombustbn,j Lienado de gasolinaAbono O Corte CON Descarga Lateral USO DE LA Cortadora DE CespedDETENCI6N DE LA Cortadora DE Cesped Traslado DE LA Oortadora be C¢SPED CON EL Motor ApagadoRECOMENDACmONES Generales MANTENmMIENTO DEL MotorControm de la buja de encendido Alambrey lavadocon unsolventecomerciaLFigura1 Extraccksn DE LA Cubierta DE LA Correa EXTRACCI6N DE LA Plataforma DE LA Cortadora DE CespedColoquetacosdemaderadebajodela plataforma Lubricacion Puntos de pivote y varillajeLimpieza deJ motor AlineeelaccesoriodePresion DE LOS NEUMATmCOS Traseros Reemplazo DEL Escudo PosteriorMantenjmjentode LAS Cuchjllas DE Corte JnstaJaci6n de cuchiJJasReemplazo de la correa de transmisi6n Vuelvaacolocarlacubiertade lacorreaFigura25 Programa DE Mantenmiento LubricarconaceiteigeroEngrasar Quese encuentraen eltanquePREPARACI6N DEL Motor PREPARACI6N DE LA Cortadora DE CespedLimpieel motorde desechossuperficiales Colectorde c6spedcon sistemadeembolsadoMuevalapalancadel regulador/cebadorpara Delalojamientodel sopladorDesbalanceadas Reemplacela cuchillaParalos Modeloscertificadosdelano 1997YPOSTERIORES La etiqueta de emisiones de su motor LE-FOYER Mc SU-HOGARCall anytime, day or night U.S.A. and Canada Call anytime, day or night