Beforeperforminganytypeof maintenance/service,disengageall | 1 | Followthe maintenanceschedulegiven below,Thischartdescribes |
controlsandstoptheengine,Waituntilallmovingpartshavecometo |
| serviceguidelinesonly,Usethe ServiceLogcolumnto keeptrackof |
acompletestop,Disconnectsparkplugwireandgroundit againstthe |
| completedmaintenancetasks,To locate the nearest Sears Service |
enginetopreventunintendedstarting,Alwayswearsafetyglassesduring1 | Center or to schedule service, simply contact Sears at | |
operationorwhileperforminganyadiustmentsor repairs, | J | loS00o4oMYoHOME®. |
EachUse | 1, | Mowerblades |
| 2, | Looseor missinghardware |
| 3, | Belts |
| 4, | Engineoil level |
| 5, | Controls |
| 6, | Mulchplug(if fitted) |
1st2 hours | 1, | Engineoil |
25 hours | 1, | Engineoil |
| 2, | Aircleaner |
| 3, | Mowerblades |
| 4, | Controllinkagesand pivots |
50 hours | 1, | FrontWheeIBearings |
Annuallyor 100hours | 1, | Sparkplug |
| 2, | RearWheels |
BeforeStorage | 1, | Fuelsystem |
1, As required
2, Tightenorreplace
3, Check
4, Check
5, Checkfor properoperation
6, Checkfor properpluginstallation 1, Change
1, Change
2, Cleanorreplace
3, Sharpenandbalance
4, Lubewithlightoil
1, Grease
1, Clean,replace,re=gap 2, Grease
1, Run engineuntil it stopsfromlackof fuel oradd agasolineadditiveto the gas in thetank,