Craftsman 247.88933 manual SERVmCmNGTHE CUTTmNGBLADES, Removeflangenutto releaseblade

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Be sureto shutthe engineoffanddisconnectthe sparkplugwire andgroundagainstthe engineto preventunintendedstartingbefore removingthe cuttingblade(s)for sharpeningor replacement,Protect your handsby usingheavyglovesor a ragto graspthecutting blade,

Periodicallyinspectthe bladespindlesfor cracksor damage,espe= ciallyif youstrikea foreignobiect,Replaceimmediatelyif damaged,


Removeflangenutto releaseblade


Useblockof woodto stabilizeblade.


leatherglovesor wrapbladesinthick ragsto protectyourselffromFigure20



Blade Removal

1, Removethe deckfrombeneaththe mowerandgentlyflip the deckoverto exposeits underside,Referto "Removingthe Mower Deck"for instructions,

2, Placea 2x4blockof woodapproximately8,5" longbetweenthe deckhousingandthe cuttingbladeto act as astabilizer, Figure20,

3, Removethe hexflangenutthat securesthebladeto the spindle assembly,Figure20,




Bmade Sharpening


IMPORTANT:Ifany metalseparationis present,replacethe blades




1, Toproperlysharpenthe cutting blades,removeequalamounts


of metalfrombothends of the bladesalongthe cuttingedges,


parallelto the trailingedge,at a 25°to 30° angle,Figure21,



It is importantthateachcuttingbladeedgebeground



equallyto maintainproperbladebalance,A poorlybalanced



bladewill causeexcessivevibrationand maycausedamage



to the mowerandresultin personaliniury,Thebladecan be



testedby balancingit on a roundshaft screwdriver,Grind



metalfromthe heavyside untilit balancesevenly,





1, Wheninstallinga blade,placethe sideof the bladewitha part numberstampedin it facingthegroundwhenthe moweris in the operatingposition,

2, Useatorquewrenchto tightenthe spindleflangenutto between 70=90foot=pounds,



Image 19
Contents Visit our Web FORMNO,769-02963 15/2007 Model NoHorsePower 10,5 EngineOil Craftsman TwoYear Limited WarrantyFuel UnleadedGasoline SparkPlug ChampionRC12YC Engine General OPERATmON HeeditswarningFailuretodosocanresultinpersonalinjury TroubleAresurethebladehasstoppedrotating TodosocanresultinpersonalinjurySight and how this levelwith a vertical tree This page left intentionallyblank Page Assembling the Handle Tools Needed For AssemblyLoose Parts Removing the Chute HolderMNSTALLmNG the Gear Shift Lever Final AdjustmentsRear Tire Pressure Deck Height Lever THROTTLE/CHOKE Control LeverGAS CAP Oil Cap Gear Shift LeverDrive Control ENGmNE ControlsGas Fill GAS and OIL FillupSTARTmNG the Mower Stopping the Mower MOVmNG the Mower Without ENGmNE PowerUSmNG the Mower Mulching or SmDE-DISCHARGE MOWmNGGeneral RECOMMENDATmONS ENGmNE MaintenanceServicing the Air Cleaner AirCleanerHandleWiththe starknobandcarriagescrewremovedearlier DrainValve Changing the Engine OimProtective DrainCaD OilDrainHose Removing the Belt Cover Removing the Mower DeckCleaning the Cutting Deck Deck WashSystemTM CLEANmNG the ENGmNE and DeckCmeaning the Engine REPLACmNG the Traiung Shield Rear TmRE PressureRemoveflangenutto releaseblade SERVmCmNGTHE CUTTmNGBLADESREPLACmNGBELTS 10,Replacethebeltcover InstallingtheTimingBeltReplacing the BmadeTiming Belt ReleaseallmowercontrolsMaintenance Schedule TBaggerGrassCollector Cleanengineof surfacedebrisPreparing the ENGmNE Preparing the Lawn MowerPlacethrottle/chokeleverinto fast position Page Inch Wide Cut Mower- Modem No Page Inch Wide Cut Mower- Modem No Page Briggs & Stratton 10.5 H.P. Engine 215702-0466-E1 2oO868 13J 4¢ Carburetor Overhaul KIT 356 4s9Page BS-697155 Retainer-AirFilter BS-691909 Boot-SparkPlugBS-790442 Dipstick/TubeAssembly BS-697420 CoverAirCleanerTransmission EP-17488 Page IgnitionSystem Time Servicio Caballosde fuerza10.5 Ntimero de modelo Aceitedel motorNtimero de serie Briggs& StrattonPowerBuilt @SearsBrands,LLCInstrucdonesqueaparecenen estemanualyen la mAquna Nmt OSFuncionamiento EN Pendientes LostoquePuedenproducirselesionespersonales SearsparaobtenerayudaAHneey sostengaeste nJvelcon un rbol vertical StGALAADVERTENCIA Retiro OEL Soporte OEL Canal Piezas Sueltas Dentro DE LA CajaHerramientas Necesarias Para EL Montaje Retiro DE LA Unidad DE LA Caja DE MontajeAjustes Finales MNSTALACI6N DE LA Palanca DE Cambio f DE VELOCmDADESPresidn de los neumaticos traseros Palanca DE Altura DE LA Plataforma Palanca DE Control DEL ReguladorTapon DE Combustible Tap6n de aceiteivarilla de medici6n del nivel de aceite Control DE LA TRANSMISI6NControles DEL Motor Cuchillasno comenzarAn girarcuandoarrancaelmotorLienado de gasolina Llenado DE Gasouna Y AceiteEncendido DE LA Cortadora DE Cosped Otrasfuentesdecombustbn,jTraslado DE LA Oortadora be C¢SPED CON EL Motor Apagado Abono O Corte CON Descarga LateralUSO DE LA Cortadora DE Cesped DETENCI6N DE LA Cortadora DE CespedAlambrey lavadocon unsolventecomerciaL RECOMENDACmONES GeneralesMANTENmMIENTO DEL Motor Controm de la buja de encendidoFigura1 EXTRACCI6N DE LA Plataforma DE LA Cortadora DE Cesped Extraccksn DE LA Cubierta DE LA CorreaColoquetacosdemaderadebajodela plataforma Alineeelaccesoriode LubricacionPuntos de pivote y varillaje Limpieza deJ motorReemplazo DEL Escudo Posterior Presion DE LOS NEUMATmCOS TraserosJnstaJaci6n de cuchiJJas Mantenjmjentode LAS Cuchjllas DE CorteVuelvaacolocarlacubiertade lacorrea Reemplazo de la correa de transmisi6nFigura25 Quese encuentraen eltanque Programa DE MantenmientoLubricarconaceiteigero EngrasarColectorde c6spedcon sistemadeembolsado PREPARACI6N DEL MotorPREPARACI6N DE LA Cortadora DE Cesped Limpieel motorde desechossuperficialesReemplacela cuchilla Muevalapalancadel regulador/cebadorparaDelalojamientodel soplador DesbalanceadasParalos Modeloscertificadosdelano 1997YPOSTERIORES La etiqueta de emisiones de su motor Call anytime, day or night LE-FOYER McSU-HOGAR Call anytime, day or night U.S.A. and Canada