Beforeperforminganytypeof maintenance/service,disengageall controlsandstoptheengine,Waituntilallmovingpartshavecometo
acompletestop,Disconnectsparkplugwireandgrounditagainstthe Iengineto preventunintendedstarting,Alwayswearsafetyglassesduring _operationorwhib performinganyadiustmentsorrepairs,
This section addresses minor service issues.To locate the nearest Sears Service Centeror to schedule service, simply contact Sears at loSO0o4oMYoHOME®.
Enginefailsto start | 1, | Chokenotactivated | 1, | Placethrottle/chokecontrolleverintochokeposition, |
| 2, | Throttle/chokecontrolnotin correctposition | 2, | Placethrottle/chokeleverinto fast position, |
| 8, | Sparkplug wiredisconnected | 3, | Connectwiresto sparkplug, |
| 4, | Faultysparkplug | 4, | Clean,adiustgap,or replace, |
| 5, | Fueltank emptyorstalefuel | 5, | Fill tankwithclean,freshgasoline, |
| 6, | Blockedfuelline | 6, | Havefuel linecleanedby a Searsservicedealer, |
Enginerunserratically | 1, | Unitrunningwithchokeapplied | 1, | Movethrottle/chokeleveroutof chokeposition, |
| 2, | Sparkplug wireloose | 2, | Connectandtightensparkplugwire, |
| 8, | Stabfuel | 3, | Fill tankwithfreshgasoline, |
| 4, | Waterordirt infuelsystem | 4, | Drainfuel,Refillwithfreshfuel |
| 5, | Dirtyair cleaner | 5, | Replaceair cleanercartridge, |
Engineoverheats | 1, | Engineoil levellow | 1, | Fill enginewithproperamountand typeof oil |
| 2, | Airflowrestricted | 2, | Cleangrassclippingsanddebrisfromaroundthe |
| engine'scoolingfinsandblowerhousing, |
Enginehesitatesat highRPMs | 1, | Sparkpluggapsettoo close | 1, | Removesparkplugandadiustgap, |
Engineidles poorly | 1, | Fouledsparkplug | 1, | Replacesparkplugandadiustgap, |
| 2, | Dirtyair cleaner | 2, | Replaceair cleanercartridge, |
Excessivevibration | 1, | Cuttingbladeslooseor unbalanced | 1, | Tightenbladeandspindle,Balanceblade, |
| 2, | Damaged,dull,or bentcutting blade | 2, | Replaceblade, |
| 3, | Loosehardware | 3, | Tightenallnutsandbolts, |
Unitfailsto propelitself | 1, | Drivebelt looseordamaged | 1, | Replacedrive belt, |
Poormowingperformance | 1, | Dullblade(s) | 1, | Sharpenor replaceblade(s), |
| 2, | Broken,loose,orworn belt(s) | 2, | Replacebelt(s), |
| 3, | Blade(s)out of balance | 3, | Balanceor replaceblade(s), |