Craftsman 247.88933 manual

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33qnch Wide Cut Mower -- Modem No. 247.889330

1 17840 TransaxleBracketMount

2618-04452 Transmission4-Speed

3710-0176 Screw,HHCap:5/16-18x 2,75"

4710-0376 Screw,HHCap:5/16-18x 1,00"

5710-04377 Screw,HHCap:7/16-20x 2,75"

6710-0513 Screw,HHCap: 1/4-28x ,625"

7710-0520 Screw,HHCap:3/8-16x 1,50"

8710-1878 Screw,HHCap:3/8-16x 1,75"

9710-3008 Screw,HHCap:5/16-18x ,75"

10 710-3015 Screw,HHCap: 1/4-20x ,75"

11 711-1000 Belt Keeper

12 712-04063 Nut, FlangeLock:5/16-18

13 712-04064 Nut, FlangeLock: 1/4-20

14 712-04065 Nut, FlangeLock:3/8-16

15 712-0700 Nut, Range:9/16-18

16 714-0145 HairpinClip:092" x 1,64"Long

17 718-0758A PulleyHub

18 720-0142 Grip

19 731-05766 TrailingShield

20732-04409 ExtensionSpring

21732-04443 ExtensionSpring

22736-0105 Washer,Spring:,401"x ,870"x ,083"

23736-0322 Washer,Flat: 450"x 1,250"x ,164"

24736-0329 Washer,Lock: 1/4"

25738-04256 Washer,Flat: ,39"x ,87"x ,06"

26738-04188 Spacer,Shoulder:,50" x ,1475"

27747-04635 Belt KeeperRod

28747-04673 LoopLinkCoupling

29747-04678 TransMountRod

30754-04145 Belt,VType

31756-04129 IdlerPulley:4,25" Dia,

32756-04258 FlatSheave7,75"

33756-04260 EnginePulley3,20" x 4,35"Dia,

34756-04280 IdlerPulley3,50"Dia,

35787-01469 ShiftRod,Lower

36787-01470 ShiftRod,Upper

37787-01473 BeltKeeper

38787-01523 WheelDriveidlerBracket

39818-04438 DriveSpindleAssembly

40818-04439 SpacerSpindleAssembly

41931-04011 MulchPlug

42687-02251 IdlerArmAssembly

43887-02254 DeckAssembly33-inch

44710-0451 Bolt,Carriage:5/16-18x ,75"

45710-0514 Screw,HHCap:3/8-16x 1,00"

46710-3106A Screw,Carriage:3/8-16x 1,75"

47710q260A Screw,LD:5/16-18x ,750"

48710-3184 Screw,HHCap:3/8-16x 2,00"

49631-04244 ChuteDeflectorAssembly

50712-0417A Nut,Flange:5/8-18

51712-0641 Nut,Hex

52712-3017 Nut,Hex3/8-16

53732-04406 ExtensionSpring:TimingBelt Tension

54732-04411 ExtensionSpring:Deck Brake

55736-0760 Washer,Lock

56738-0347 Spacer,Shoulder:,625"x ,169"

57738-04162A Spacer,Shoulder:,884"x ,190"

58742-04154 Blade:17,9"

59754-04138 Belt,Timing

60754-04139 Belt,V Type

81756-04129 IdlerPulley4,25"

82756-04280 IdlerPulley3,50"

63 756-0616 IdlerPulleyV-Type5,0"

64787-01440 IdlerTimingBracket

65721-04041 WaterNozzleAdapter

66737-04003C WaterNozzle

67634-04285 Wheel 16x 4 x 8

88738-0242 Washer,Bell: ,340"x ,872"x ,060"

89710-0827 Screw,HHCap:5/16-24x ,75"

70710-1315 Screw,TT: 3/8-16x 1,25"

71710-1236 Screw,Carriage:5/16-18x 1,00"


Image 29
Contents Visit our Web FORMNO,769-02963 15/2007 Model NoFuel UnleadedGasoline SparkPlug ChampionRC12YC Engine Craftsman TwoYear Limited WarrantyHorsePower 10,5 EngineOil General OPERATmON HeeditswarningAresurethebladehasstoppedrotating TroubleTodosocanresultinpersonalinjury FailuretodosocanresultinpersonalinjurySight and how this levelwith a vertical tree This page left intentionallyblank Page Loose Parts Tools Needed For AssemblyRemoving the Chute Holder Assembling the HandleRear Tire Pressure Final AdjustmentsMNSTALLmNG the Gear Shift Lever GAS CAP THROTTLE/CHOKE Control LeverDeck Height Lever Drive Control Gear Shift LeverENGmNE Controls Oil CapSTARTmNG the Mower GAS and OIL FillupGas Fill USmNG the Mower MOVmNG the Mower Without ENGmNE PowerMulching or SmDE-DISCHARGE MOWmNG Stopping the MowerServicing the Air Cleaner ENGmNE MaintenanceAirCleanerHandle General RECOMMENDATmONSProtective DrainCaD OilDrainHose Changing the Engine OimWiththe starknobandcarriagescrewremovedearlier DrainValve Removing the Belt Cover Removing the Mower DeckCmeaning the Engine CLEANmNG the ENGmNE and DeckCleaning the Cutting Deck Deck WashSystemTM REPLACmNG the Traiung Shield Rear TmRE PressureRemoveflangenutto releaseblade SERVmCmNGTHE CUTTmNGBLADESREPLACmNGBELTS Replacing the BmadeTiming Belt InstallingtheTimingBeltReleaseallmowercontrols 10,ReplacethebeltcoverMaintenance Schedule Preparing the ENGmNE Cleanengineof surfacedebrisPreparing the Lawn Mower TBaggerGrassCollectorPlacethrottle/chokeleverinto fast position Page Inch Wide Cut Mower- Modem No Page Inch Wide Cut Mower- Modem No Page 868 2oOBriggs & Stratton 10.5 H.P. Engine 215702-0466-E1 13J 4¢ Carburetor Overhaul KIT 356 4s9Page BS-790442 Dipstick/TubeAssembly BS-691909 Boot-SparkPlugBS-697420 CoverAirCleaner BS-697155 Retainer-AirFilterTransmission EP-17488 Page IgnitionSystem Time Ntimero de serie Caballosde fuerza10.5 Ntimero de modelo Aceitedel motorBriggs& StrattonPowerBuilt @SearsBrands,LLC ServicioInstrucdonesqueaparecenen estemanualyen la mAquna Nmt OSPuedenproducirselesionespersonales LostoqueSearsparaobtenerayuda Funcionamiento EN PendientesAHneey sostengaeste nJvelcon un rbol vertical StGALAADVERTENCIA Herramientas Necesarias Para EL Montaje Piezas Sueltas Dentro DE LA CajaRetiro DE LA Unidad DE LA Caja DE Montaje Retiro OEL Soporte OEL CanalPresidn de los neumaticos traseros MNSTALACI6N DE LA Palanca DE Cambio f DE VELOCmDADESAjustes Finales Tapon DE Combustible Palanca DE Control DEL ReguladorPalanca DE Altura DE LA Plataforma Controles DEL Motor Control DE LA TRANSMISI6NCuchillasno comenzarAn girarcuandoarrancaelmotor Tap6n de aceiteivarilla de medici6n del nivel de aceiteEncendido DE LA Cortadora DE Cosped Llenado DE Gasouna Y AceiteOtrasfuentesdecombustbn,j Lienado de gasolinaUSO DE LA Cortadora DE Cesped Abono O Corte CON Descarga LateralDETENCI6N DE LA Cortadora DE Cesped Traslado DE LA Oortadora be C¢SPED CON EL Motor ApagadoMANTENmMIENTO DEL Motor RECOMENDACmONES GeneralesControm de la buja de encendido Alambrey lavadocon unsolventecomerciaLFigura1 Coloquetacosdemaderadebajodela plataforma Extraccksn DE LA Cubierta DE LA CorreaEXTRACCI6N DE LA Plataforma DE LA Cortadora DE Cesped Puntos de pivote y varillaje LubricacionLimpieza deJ motor AlineeelaccesoriodeReemplazo DEL Escudo Posterior Presion DE LOS NEUMATmCOS TraserosJnstaJaci6n de cuchiJJas Mantenjmjentode LAS Cuchjllas DE CorteVuelvaacolocarlacubiertade lacorrea Reemplazo de la correa de transmisi6nFigura25 Lubricarconaceiteigero Programa DE MantenmientoEngrasar Quese encuentraen eltanquePREPARACI6N DE LA Cortadora DE Cesped PREPARACI6N DEL MotorLimpieel motorde desechossuperficiales Colectorde c6spedcon sistemadeembolsadoDelalojamientodel soplador Muevalapalancadel regulador/cebadorparaDesbalanceadas Reemplacela cuchillaParalos Modeloscertificadosdelano 1997YPOSTERIORES La etiqueta de emisiones de su motor SU-HOGAR LE-FOYER McCall anytime, day or night U.S.A. and Canada Call anytime, day or night