Detailed Description
4. JTAG Chain
Jumper J17 provides the ability to have the
Note: The
5. JTAG Termination Jumper
The DUT TDO pin can be jumpered to the TDO TERM pin or the downstream TDO pin. When another board is connected to the downstream System ACE connector or downstream interface connector, jumper the DUT TDO pin to the downstream TDO pin for serial chaining. The connection allows the DUT TDO pin to be connected to the next device in the chain.
The TCK and TMS pins are parallel feedthrough connections from the upstream
System ACE interface connector to the downstream System ACE interface connector and drive the TCK and TMS pins of the onboard PROM and the DUT.
Note: The termination jumper must be in place on the last board in the chain to connect the TDO pin of the final device to the TDO feedback chain.
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UG078 (v1.2) May 24, 2006