individual channel,a~: selectedby the levels buttons(4,3).
46 Amplifier Buttons
Thepowerandmeterbuttons operateKrell amplifiers.
47 System Button~
Thesebuttons select a preassignedvideo input. Oncea videoin put is assigned,it may thenbe linked to a specific audioinput and surroundmodeFor. details on this assigning and linking procedure, see Direct Access RemoteControl SystemProgrammingon page24.
48 Video Buttons
Thesebuttonsselect the video source.CV1- CV4are compositevideo inj~uts, andSV1- SV4are
49 Enter Button
This button inputs
50 Scroll Buttons
Thesefour buttons scroll
51 MenuButton
This button accesses, the
52 Previous Button
This button escapesor ends certain on- screen menuoperations.
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