Krell Industries Audio + Video Standard Surround Preamp/Processor Recall Button, Infrared Sensor

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appropriatedigital input is selectedand connected.

14TM MusicengagesKrell MusicSurround circuitry for usewith stereorecordings.

15 Monois for use with monophonic recordings. This providesmonauralout- put from the ~nter speaker and sub- woofer(s) only.~lf the systemdoesnot include a center speaker,the monaural signal is split betweentheleft andright speakers.

16 Preampdisengages all surround processingcircuitry for usewith stereo recordings. Whenfed an analogsource, the Audio+ VideoStandardfunctions as a pureClassAi~ high resolution, analog preamplifier. For digita, I sources,the Audio + Vide£ Standardemploys24-bit, customKrelP-written, digital-to-analog conversionsoftwarebeforebeingsent to the analogpreamplifier stage.

17 Recall Button

This buttonsavesandrecalls systemconfig- urationsettings..

18 Infrared Sensor

The infrared sensor receives commands from the Audio + Video Standard remote control. Forproperremotecontrol operation, makesure the infrared sensoris clear of any obstructions.

19-21 VolumeControl Buttons

Thefollowing six buttonsselect oneof the Audio+ VideoStandard'svolumechant~els:

19 Master VolumeButton

Whenthe LEDabovethis button is illu- minated, the volumecontrol knob (7) affects the entire systemequally.Thevol-

umeadjustmentis indicated in the main display andalso on-screen.

20 Individual Channel


Whenthe LEDaboveany of these but- tons is illuminated, the volumecontrol knob(7) changesthe level of the select- ed channel. These new changes will clear whena newinput modeis selected. Thevolumecontrol knobreverts backto controllingthe defaultlevel, Master,after four secondsof inactivity.

21BalanceButton (Preampmodeonly)

Whenthe LEE)abovethis button is illu- minated, the volumecontrol knob (7) affectsthe left-to-right balanceof thesys- tem. Thecenter position is indicated by CNTRin the maindisplay. Balancemaybe adjustedin 1 dBincrementsup to 9 dB. Thenext adjustmentmuteseither chan- nel, indicatedby ROFFor LOFFfor the right channelandleft channelrespectively. Theon-screenrepresentation for bal- anceis graphical:

L ......... : ......... R

Thecenter position is indicated by two vertical dots, EachdBof adjustmentis represented by one individual dot.

Movingthe cursorso that it coversthe L indicates a completelymutedright chan- nel. Conversely,positioningthe cursorso that it coversthe R indicatesa complete- ly muted-leftchannel.Thevolumecontrol knob(7) reverts backto controlling the default level, Master,after four seconds of inactivity.


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Contents Preamp/Processor Audio+ Video Standard Surround Preamp/Processor ContentsIntroducbon CE Marking UnpackingAC Power Guidelines PlacementFront Panel Description Audio ModeButtons Recall Button VolumeControl ButtonsMaster VolumeButton Individual Channel VolumeTrimAudio + Video Standardfront Panel BackPanel Description CompositeVideo Inputs IEC PowerConnectorMain PowerSwitch Digital AudioInputsVidoOuts Connectingthe Audio+ Video Standard to Your System Digital AudioInput Buttons Installation, keepthis spe~ficationin mindRemoteControl Description AnalogAudioInput ButtonsLevels Buttons Enter Button Amplifier ButtonsSystem Button~ Video Buttons4649 Four AAAsize 1.~olt batterie. s RemovalConfigure Speakers SystemConfigurationAccessing the Main Menu Listening Room Setup ModifyingspeakersettingsManual Noise Sequence Calibrate the VolumeSoundpressure/eve/SPLmeter is nec Essaryfor this procedure Auto Noise SequenceStep Configure the Inputs Linkinga VideoInput to an AudioInput Special AnalogSourcesSurroundprocessingmode,either Dolby Pro If a video input is linked to an analoginputIf a videoinputis linkedto a digital inputand Standardwill select the appropriatedigitalThis case, the appropriate processingmode will beselected Direct AccessRemoteControl System ProgrammingSelecting the BroadcastStandard Configure the Music Mode Configureinputs menu.PressPrevioustoON-SCREEN Delay Time VolumeBACKGROUNI~ Color Full Surround Setup Remote Control SensorInput Link PROPERT,IES Anti Clip Control Unwantedcompressionto the musicSaving, Recalling, and Clearing Configuration settings Warranty ReturnAuthorization Procedure Digital AUDIO~NPUTS DimensionsWeight Analogaudio Inputs