Saving, Recalling, and Clearing Configuration settings
Tosaveyour configurationsettings, turn the Audio + Video Standardoff from the front panel or the rem~econtrol. Whilepressing the recall button('~7), pressthe powerbutton
(8)onthe front panel. Themaindisplay will read SAVECNFGwhenthe settings havebeen stored in the Audio+ VideoStandard'snon- volatile memory.
Torecall your storedconfigurationsettings, press Recall until RSTRCNFGappearsin the maindisplay. This will takethirteen seconds.
Toclear all settings, turn the Audio+ Video Standardoff fromthe front panelor the remote control. Whilepressingbothmaster(19) and balance(21) buttons, pressthe powerbutton on the front panel.Themaindisplaywill read CLRwhenthe settings havebeenerasedfrom the Audio+ Video.
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