sensingto eliminatethis muting,if youwish. Todo so, switchthe unit into standby.Press the DTSbutton (13) on the front panel and switch the Audio+Video Standard out of standbyto poweron(operate). This will dis- able the automatic muting feature of the
Audio+VideoStan,~ardandwill alter the way in whichthe automaticformat,sensingoper-
ates.Forbestresults, selectDTSprior to lis- tening to any DTSencodedmaterial andbe careful to select the properformatfor each piece of softwareplayedthroughthe digital inputs.
DolbyDigital engagesDolby Digital
Dolby Pro Logic engages Dolby Pro Logiccircuitry for usewith all Dolbysur- roundprocessingencodedmaterial. This includeslaser discs, videotapes,televi- sion broadcasts,andcompactdiscs.
DTSengagesDTSdigital surround pro- cessing for use with DTSencoded source material. The Audio + Video Standardautomatically switches to DTS processinguponreceiving a DTSsignal. Nouserinterventionis requiredafter the
appropriatedigital input is selectedand connected.
Music engagesKrell Music Surround circuitry for usewith stereorecordings.
Monois for use with monophonic recordings. This provides monauralout- put from the center speaker and sub- woofer(s) only. If the systemdoesnot include a center speaker, the monaural signal is split betweenthe left andright speakers.
Prearnpdisengagesall surround pro- cessing circuitry for use with stereo recordings. Whenfed an analogsource, the Audio+ VideoStandardfunctions as a pure ClassA, high resolution, analog preamplifier. For digital sources, the Audio+
43 Levels Buttons
Thesebuttons select one of the Audio + Video Standard'svolumechannels.
Masterselects all channelsfor system- widevolumecontrol.
Balance(PreampModeOnly) adjusts the
Muteinterrupts any audio signal to source equipment.
44 PowerButton
Thepowerbutton toggles the Audio+ Video Standardfrom standbyto operate.
45 Vol Down/VolUp.Buttons
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