The surround preamp/processor must not belocatedwhereit couldbeexposedto drip- ping or splashin~luids.
Theventilation grids andcooling fan on the top of the Audio + Video Standardneedto be unobstructedat all times during opera- tion. Donot place flammablematerial on top of or beneath the Audio + Video StandardFor. installations inside cabinet04, makesure the Audio ÷ Video Standardhas adequateair circulation. Contactyourdealer, distributoror Krell~ for further information.
Before you install the Audio + Video Standard. into your system, review the following guidelines to choosethe opti- mumlocation for placement. This will help ensurea clean,
Place the Audio + Video Standardsurround preamp/processoron a firm level surface awayfromdirt or moisture. A minimumspac- ing of three inches mustexist betweenthe Audio + Video Standard and surrounding componentsto ensureproperventilation.
Do not removeor bypass the ground pin on the end of the ACcord. This maycause RFI (radio frequency interference) to inducedinto your playbacksystem.
TheAudio+ Video Standardhas superbreg- ulation anddoesnot require a dedicatedAC circuit. Avoidconnectionsthroughextension cordsor multiple ACadapters.Highquality, 15 ampere,groundedACstrips are accept- able. Highquality ACline conditionersor fil- ters maybe usedif they are grounded.
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