Audio+ Video Standard to Your System
Whenmaking conn~ions to thi.s compo- nent or any other, makesure the power amplifieris off andthe preamplifieris in the mute or
Connectthe video outputs of your video sourcesto the video inputs on the Audio + Video Standard.
The Audio + Video Standard is equipped with four
For analog audio sources, connectthe left andright outputsof yoursourcecom- ponentsto the inputs on ,the Audio + Video Standard. The Addio + Video Standardis equippedwith six single- endedanalog audio inputs
2.For digital audio sources, connectthe digital audiooutput of your sourcecom- ponentsto the digital inputsonthe Audio+ Video Standard. The Audio + Video Standardis equippedwith five digital inputs: two coaxial inputs via RCAcon- nectors, two TosLinkTM optical connec-
tions, and one AES/EBUvia an XLR connector.For DolbyDigital
For sourceunits that are equippedwith both digital andanalogaudiooutputs,higherper- formancewill generally result whenconnect- ing sourceunits to the Audio+ VideoStandard usinga digital audiooutput.
TheAudio + Video Standarddoesnot con- vert video signal formats, Le., an
The Audio + Video Standard is equipped with three
Connectthe outputsof the Audio+ Video Standardto the input(s) of your power amplifier(s).
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