Krell Industries Audio + Video Standard Surround Preamp/Processor manual Front Panel Description

Page 5

Front Panel


See Figure 1 on page8

1 Tape

A tape monitor al!~ws you to comparethe output from your a~logtape recorderto the

original sourcewhile makinga recording. After selecting a sourcefor recording(B1, $1-$5), press the tape button to toggle betweenthe tape recorder output (LEDillu- minated)andthe input source(LEDnot illu- minated).

2 AnalogIn

TheAnalogIn button activates the analog input and cycles .through the six analog audioinputs. B1is a balancedinput via XLR connectors. $1-$5 are single-endedinputs via RCAconnectors.

3 Digital In

TheDigital In button activates the digital input andcyclesthroughthe six digital audio inputs (C1, C2, T1, T2, XLR,and RF). The maindisplay will showRFIN whenthe RF inputfor DolbyDigital (AC-3)is selected.

C1 and C2 are coaxial inputs via RCA connectors.

T1andT2are TosLinkTM inputs.

XLRis an AES/EBUconnection.

RFis available via RCAor BNCconnec- tors. Thereis no front panelLEDfor this digital input.

4 Main Display,

Themaindisplay provides status.messages for a variety of Audio+ VideoStandardoper- ations.

5 Composite

The composite video input button cycles throughthe four compositevideo inputs.

6 S-Video

TheS-videoinput button cycles throughthe four S-videoinputs.

7 VolumeControl Knob

Thevolumecontrol knobadjusts the output level for the entire systemas well as individ- ual levels for the centerspeaker,sidespeak- ers, rear speakers,andsubwoofersThe.vol- umecontrol knobnormally adjusts the mas-

. ter volumeas indicatedby the LEDilluminat-

ed above the master button (19). The changein volumeis indicated in the main

display andalso on-screen.Adjustmentsto the center speaker, side speakers, rear speakers, and subwoofers are madeby pressingthe correspondingindividual chan- nel volumebuttons(20) androtating the vol- umecontrol knobto the desiredsetting. The master volume control has a numerical rangefrom0 to 152with 89 being the Dolby reference. Thecenter speaker,side speak- ers, rear speakers, and subwoofervolume trim havea rangeof __.12dB.

8 PowerButton

The powerbuttontoggles the Audio + Video Standardfrom standbyto operate andalso switches the 12 VDCoutput betweenon and off.

9 Power LED

The powerLEDilluminates whenthe. rear panel mainpowerswitch [see Figure 2 (38) on page11] is placed in the on position.

During remotecontrol operation, the power LEDwill flash, indicating the Audio+ Video Standardis receiving remotecontrol com- mands.


KNELL Audio + Video StandardEnglish Page5 of 32

Image 5
Contents Preamp/Processor Audio+ Video Standard Surround Preamp/Processor ContentsIntroducbon CE Marking UnpackingAC Power Guidelines PlacementFront Panel Description Audio ModeButtons Master VolumeButton VolumeControl ButtonsIndividual Channel VolumeTrim Recall ButtonAudio + Video Standardfront Panel BackPanel Description Main PowerSwitch IEC PowerConnectorDigital AudioInputs CompositeVideo InputsVidoOuts Connectingthe Audio+ Video Standard to Your System RemoteControl Description Installation, keepthis spe~ficationin mindAnalogAudioInput Buttons Digital AudioInput ButtonsLevels Buttons System Button~ Amplifier ButtonsVideo Buttons Enter Button4649 Four AAAsize 1.~olt batterie. s RemovalAccessing the Main Menu SystemConfigurationConfigure Speakers Listening Room Setup ModifyingspeakersettingsSoundpressure/eve/SPLmeter is nec Essaryfor this procedure Calibrate the VolumeAuto Noise Sequence Manual Noise SequenceStep Configure the Inputs Linkinga VideoInput to an AudioInput Special AnalogSourcesIf a videoinputis linkedto a digital inputand If a video input is linked to an analoginputStandardwill select the appropriatedigital Surroundprocessingmode,either Dolby ProSelecting the BroadcastStandard Direct AccessRemoteControl System ProgrammingThis case, the appropriate processingmode will beselected Configure the Music Mode Configureinputs menu.PressPrevioustoBACKGROUNI~ Color VolumeON-SCREEN Delay Time Input Link PROPERT,IES Remote Control SensorFull Surround Setup Anti Clip Control Unwantedcompressionto the musicSaving, Recalling, and Clearing Configuration settings Warranty ReturnAuthorization Procedure Weight DimensionsAnalogaudio Inputs Digital AUDIO~NPUTS