INTRODUCTION | how to do best is build spas. | ||||||||||
Dear Aruba Customer, | We have learned that quality | ||||||||||
through simplicity is the best | |||||||||||
Thank you for purchasing an | way to build a spa. We | ||||||||||
believe that | knowing | how | |||||||||
Aruba Spa. | At Aruba Spas | your spa is built will make | |||||||||
our | philosophy | is simple, | installing and operating it | ||||||||
build the best spa, back it | easier, so the first part of this | ||||||||||
with an excellent warranty | manual explains how your | ||||||||||
and | with | comprehensive | spa is built. Please take the | ||||||||
customer service. The 2003 | time to read this section of | ||||||||||
Aruba | Spa | includes | many | your owner’s manual. |
| ||||||
features, which are designed |
| |||||||
to ensure that your spa is | It is important that you keep | ||||||||||
dependable | and | simple to | this manual | for reference | |||||||
operate. | This manual will | purposes. We have tried to | |||||||||
guide | you |
| make | sure | |||
through the |
| this manual | |||||
s e t - u p , |
| HAZARD | includes all | ||||||
installation |
| Denotes risk of personal injury. | the | infor- | |||||||
and |
| start- |
| mation you | |||
up of your |
| WARNING | will |
| need | ||||
new spa. It |
| Denotes a circumstance that | about | your | ||||||
will explain |
| spa. |
| ||||||
| could cause personal injury or a |
| ||||||||
how |
| to |
| ||||
| circumstance where damage to | If you have | |||||||
operate and |
| ||||||||||
| the spa’s surface, structure or | |||||||||
care |
| for |
| any | further | |||||
| equipment could occur. | ||||||||
your |
| spa. |
| questions | ||||||
| ||||||
We believe |
| IMPORTANT | or |
| need | ||||
reading this |
| additional | |||||||
e n | t | i r | e |
| Denotes extremely important | information | ||||
o w n e r ’ s |
| information. | please | call | |||||
manual | is |
| one | of our | |||
the |
| sim- |
| c u s t o m e r | |||
| ||||||
plest way to ensure the full | service representatives at 1- | ||||||||||
enjoyment | of | your | new | ||||||||
Aruba Spa. It is most impor- | that you will find owning an | ||||||||||
tant that you read and fol- | Aruba Spa as relaxing as | ||||||||||
low | the | safety instructions | using it. |
| |||||
included | in | this manual. | The highlighted terms are | ||||||||
You should become familiar | |||||||||||
with all of the safety guide- | used throughout this manu- | ||||||||||
lines listed in this manual | al to indicate facts that are | ||||||||||
and make sure you follow | particularly | important for | |||||||||
them while using your spa. | your safety, and for main- | ||||||||||
At Aruba what | we | know | taining your spa in good | ||||||||
working order. |