Video Game
Video Game
1.1 user manual
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Utility User Manual
Version: 1.10 Rev. 10
1. General Overview
1.1. PC Requirements 1.1.1. Hardware
1.1.2. Software
1.2. Installation and Setup
2. Remote User Interface (RuiNet)
2.1. A Connecting to a FieldServer
2.2. B - FieldServer Information
2.2.1. FieldServer Information Settings Aspect
2.2.2. FieldServer Information Status Aspect
2.3. O - Connection Overview
2.3.1. Connection Overview Settings Aspect.
2.3.2. Connection Overview - Status Aspect
2.3.3. Connection Overview - Statistics Aspect
2.3.4. Connection Overview - Error Statistics Aspect
2.3.5. Connection Overview - API Aspect
2.4. N - Node Overview
2.4.1. Node Overview - Settings Aspect
2.4.2. Node Overview - Status Aspect
2.4.3. Node Overview - Operating Statistics Aspect
2.4.4. Node Overview - Error Statistics Aspect
2.5. M Map Descriptor Overview
2.5.1. Map Descriptor Overview - Settings Aspect
2.5.2. Map Descriptor Overview Status Aspect
2.5.3. Map Descriptor Overview - Operating Statistics Aspect
2.5.4. Map Descriptor Overview - Error Statistics Aspect
2.6. A Data Array Overview
2.6.1. Data Array Detail Screen
2.7. E Error Messages
2.8. F Driver Messages
2.9. D Download Configuration to FieldServer
2.9.1. Procedure for Downloading a File from a PC to a FieldServer
2.10. U - Upload Configuration from FieldServer
2.10.1. Procedure to Upload a File from a FieldServer to a PC
2.11. I - Change IP Address
2.11.1. Procedure to Change a FieldServers IP Address
2.11.2. Obtain the IP address using the DHCP Client
2.11.3. Obtain the IP address using the FieldServers DHCP Server
2.12. K - Change UI Display Mode
2.13. Restart FieldServer
Appendix A. Troubleshooting Appendix A.1. Connection to a FieldServer
Appendix A.2. File Download
Appendix B.2. Connecting to a FieldServer using Name -y
Appendix B.3. Broadcast Mode -ib
Appendix B.4. The Most Recently Connected FieldServer -p
Appendix B.5. Disable Auto Connect Mode m0
Appendix B.6. Restart a FieldServer -b
Appendix B.7. Startup Screen -x
Appendix B.8. Transferring files l, -f
Appendix B.9. Downloading Files u0
Appendix B.10. Uploading Files u1
Appendix B.11. Forcing a Download -o
Appendix B.12. Number of File Transfer Tries -n
Appendix B.13. Set FieldServer Side File Name for a transfer -f
Appendix B.14. Set Local File Name for a Transfer -l
Appendix B.15. Help -h
Appendix B.16. Create a Log File -a
Appendix B.17. Version Information -v, -ve
Appendix B.18. Skip date and time check on connect -m1
Appendix B.19. Delete a File -z
Appendix B.20. Synch FieldServer Time with the Computers Time -g
Appendix B.21. Set Timeout -k
Appendix B.22. Run in Test Mode
Appendix C. Advanced Topics Appendix C.1. The Ruinet Log File
Appendix C.2. FieldServer Tiers
Appendix C.3. Connecting to a FieldServer over the Internet
Appendix D. Default settings for parameters