Enter the file name and IP addresses based on the actual condition.
If the switch and the server are on the same network segment, you can specify any unused IP address of the network for the switch without specifying the gateway’s IP address; if they are not on the same segment, you need to specify the gateway’s IP address so that the switch can communicate with the server.
6)Update the Boot ROM file on the switch
Enter the corresponding parameters based on the actual condition. The system displays the following information:
Will you Update Basic BootRom? (Y/N):Y
The system asks you whether you want to update the basic Boot ROM section. Click Y. Then the system displays the following information after the update is complete:
Updating Basic BootRom | Done! |
Updating extended BootRom? (Y/N):Y
The system asks you whether you want to update the extended Boot ROM section. Click Y. Then the system displays the following information after the update is complete:
Updating extended BootRom | Done! |
7)Restart the switch to make the updated Boot ROM file effective Press any key to return to the Boot ROM update menu.
Press enter key when ready
1.Update full BootRom
2.Update extended BootRom
3.Update basic BootRom
0.Return to boot menu Enter your
Enter 0 to return to the Boot ROM menu, and then enter 0 again. After that, the device is restarted and the updated Boot ROM file becomes effective.
Loading an application file
To load an application file of the switch, enter 1 in the Boot ROM menu. The system displays the following information:
1.Set TFTP protocol parameter
2.Set FTP protocol parameter
3.Set XMODEM protocol parameter
0.Return to boot menu Enter your
You can enter 1 to load the application file.