Table of Contents
About This Guide | iii |
Overview | iii |
Target Audience | iii |
Organization | iv |
Conventions | iv |
Headings | iv |
Typeface | iv |
Cross References | iv |
Messages | v |
Related Documentation | vii |
Customer Support | viii |
Prepare the Site | 1 |
Overview | 1 |
Safety Requirements | 1 |
Rack and Clearance Requirements | 2 |
Location | 2 |
Environmental Requirements | 2 |
Power Requirements | 2 |
System Grounding Requirements | 3 |
Cabling Requirements | 3 |
Unpack the UnityOne ZPHA | 3 |
ZPHA Installation | 5 |
ZPHA Hardware Overview | 6 |
ZPHA Installation | 9 |
14 | |
Index | 19 |
UnityOne Modular Fiber/Copper ZPHA Installation Guide V 2.1