References in this manual to British Standards and Statutory Regulations and Requirements apply only to the United Kingdom. For Ireland the rules in force must be used.
Before installation, check that the local distribution conditions, nature of the gas, pressure and the adjustment of the appliance are compatible.
The manual is an important part of the appliance and must by law be handed to the end user on completion of the installation.
•Do not attempt to burn rubbish or any other material in this appliance.
•This fire must only be operated with the fire door shut and secured.
•Do not use the appliance if the glass is cracked or broken.
•Do not make any unauthorised
modifications to the appliance.
•It is recommended that the fire be guarded to protect the young and infirm using a fireguard complying with BS8423:2002.
•Coal set
before and after the installation. It is recommended that any replacement item(s) are not broken up but sealed within a heavy duty polythene bag and clearly labelled "R.C.F. waste". This is not classified as "hazardous waste" and may be disposed of at a tipping site licensed for the disposal of industrial waste. Protective clothing is not required when handling these items but it is recommended that gloves are worn and
normal hygiene rules are followed. Always wash your hands before eating or drinking.
•In the event of a gas emergency, consult the telephone directory and ask for your local
gas supplier.
All materials, appliances and equipment used should be fit for their purpose, be of suitable quality and workmanship and should comply with the applicable British Standards.
Before continuing any further with the installation of this appliance please read the following guide to manual handling.
•Always obtain assistance when lifting the appliance.
•When lifting always keep your back straight. Bend your legs not your back.
•Avoid twisting at the waist. It is better to reposition your feet.
•Avoid upper body/top heavy bending. Do not lean forwards or sideways when
handling the fire.
•Always grip with the palms of your hands. Do not use fingertips for support.
•Always keep the stove as close to the body as possible. This will minimise the cantilever action.
•Use gloves to provide additional grip.
4 | Becton Bunny & Becton 7 mk3 Gas stoves |