•dmitools /wp xxxx ==> Write product name to eeprom (max. 16 characters)
•dmitools /ws xxxx ==> Write serial number to eeprom (max. 22 characters)
•dmitools /wu xxxx ==> Write uuid to eeprom
•dmitools /wa xxxx ==> Write asset tag to eeprom (max. 32 characters)
The following examples show the commands and the corresponding output information.
Read DMI Information from Memory
dmitools /r
Manufacturer (Type1, Offset04h): Acer
Product Name (Type1, Offset05h): Aspire xxxx
Serial Number (Type1, Offset07h): 01234567890123456789
UUID String (Type1, Offset08h):
Asset Tag (Type3, Offset04h): Acet Asstag
Write Product Name to EEPROM
dmitools /wp Acer
Write Serial Number to EEPROM
dmitools /ws 01234567890123456789
4 ). Write UUID to EEPROM ( Create UUID from Intel WFM20.pdf )
dmitools /wu
5). Write Asset Tag to EEPROM
dmitools /wa Acer Asstag
NOTE: When using any of the Write options, restart the system to make the new DMI data effective.
Chapter 2 | 37 |