Preparing the computer
Prepare the computer as if you were taking it home. Make sure that the battery in the computer is charged. Airport security may require you to turn on your computer when carrying it into the gate area.
What to take with you
Take the following items with you:
•AC adapter
•Acer MediaBay battery pack
•Additional printer driver files if you plan to use another printer
Special considerations
In addition to the guidelines for taking the computer home, follow these guidelines to protect your computer while traveling:
•Always take the computer as
•If possible, have the computer inspected by hand. Airport security
•Avoid exposing floppy disks to
Traveling internationally with the computer
When you are moving from country to country.
Preparing the computer
Prepare the computer as you would normally prepare it for traveling.
What to bring with you
Bring the following items with you:
•AC adapter
•Power cords that are appropriate for the country to which you are traveling
•Acer MediaBay battery packs
•Additional printer driver files if you plan to use another printer