Configuring OS/2 WARP
Note: If your computer system uses Phoenix BIOS, you must disable PnP OS support for the modem to be recognized in OS/2. See your computer users manual for information on accessing and changing your system BIOS settings.
Step 1 After you have installed the modem into your machine, turn on the power and as OS/2 boots, look for the OS/2 logo in the upper left corner of the screen. When you see this logo, press the Alt and the F1 key at the same time to bring up the Startup Menu. Select F5 from the menu for Full Hardware Detection.
Step 2 After OS/2 boots, insert the V.90 PCI modem’s installation
Step 3 Click the PCDOS button on the OS/2 screen. At the command prompt type:
A:PMDMCFG <enter>
Step 4 A message similar to the one shown below will be displayed. (Actual values will change from system to system)
Found V.90 PCI Data/Fax Modem
I/O Port: FC00
IRQ#: 11
Step 5 Record these values. They will be needed in Step 9 when you modify your config.sys file and latter when you configure your applications.
Step 6 Be sure the
Where x is the letter of your
Note: This will replace your resident COM.SYS file with a new version. OS/2 will not prompt you to overwrite the existing file. Check that the path statements are correct before you hit <enter>.
Step 7 Remove the installation
Step 8 Click the OS/2 command prompt button on the OS/2 screen. At the command prompt type: e CONFIG.SYS <enter>