The mode option sets the default surround mode to be used with each source. The options are DOLBY DIGITAL, DTS, PRO LOGIC
3.6 ProLogic II Setup
Dolby ProLogic II is a surround mode that can be used to generate sur- round sound from stereo program material. The settings below can be
used to optimize the surround sound listening experience when you are using ProLogic II.
DIMENSION = This parameter is used when listening in ProLogic II Music mode, it changes the level balance from front speakers to back speakers, much the same way the fader adjust works in some car audio systems. The value can be varied from
CENTER WIDTH = This adjustment is used when listening to ProLogic II music mode. It changes the amount of sound coming out of the center speaker. Adjust this parameter for best over all imaging between the front left/right and center speaker. As the value in increased, the appa- rant image width of the sound stage
will increase.
3.7Other Setup Functions
Reset 1: Restore factory default set- tings and NTSC video = FM/AM button + video 1 button
Reset 2: Restore factory default set- tings and Pal video = FM/AM button + video 2
Video Mode switch (system inter- change): Change unit between NTSC and Pal video = FM/AM button + CD button
Frequency interchange: Changes the unit AM stepping frequency between US (10kHz) and Europe (9kHz) = FM/ AM button + tape monitor button
VFD segment test: lights up all seg- ments of the front panel display = memory button + AM button + video 4 button. Press any key to exit test mode.
Display software version: shows cur- rent version of software on the front panel display = memory button + FM button + video 5 button. Press any key to exit.
Program EEPROM: Programs and restores the system memory to facto- ry preset condition = memory button
+CD button + surround mode button. Press any key when programming is complete.