Chapter 3: Terminal Menu Operation and Structure
80 Express XL/XLT User Manual 61200.070L1-1
Filters/In Exceptions
Write security: 2; Read security: 5
This is a list of up to 32 filter entries which can be combined using the opera-
tions field. The operations are performed in the order they appear on the list.
Active - Turns this entry active when set to On.
Type - Selects the filter define list to reference:
MAC - from the Configuration/Security/Filter
Defines/MAC Filter Defines list.
Pattern - from the Configuration/Security/Filter
Defines/Pattern Filter Defines list.
IP - from the Configuration/Security/Filter
Defines/IP Filter Defines list.
IPX - from the Configuration/Security/Filter
Defines/IPX Filter Defines list.
Filter List Name - Selects between filters defined in the list.
Next Oper - The next operation to use to combine with the next
filter in the list:
END - the last filter to combination.
AND - logically AND this filter with the next filter
in the list.
OR - logically OR this filter with the next filter in
the list.
Filters/LAN-to-WAN (Out)
Write security: 2; Read security: 5
The packets which come out toward the WAN from the Express XL/XLT can
be filtered in three ways:
Disabled (def) - Turns off packet output filtering. No outgoing
packets are blocked.
Block All - All outgoing packets to the WAN are blocked except
as defined in the Filters/Out Exceptions list.
Forward All - All outgoing packets to the WAN are not blocked
except as defined in the Filters/Out Exceptions list.