Appendix B: Log Messages
61200.070L1-1 Express XL/XLT User Manual 137
TELNETD: Clr TCBF_BUFFER flag failed
level 6
Debugging message related to Telnet client function.
TELNETD: could not obtain peer ip
level 2
Telnet server function could not get IP address of Telnet client.
TELNETD: Session failed, error
level 2
A Telnet server session has failed because of an error.
level 6
Debugging message related to Telnet client function.
TELNETD: SOCKET creation error
level 2
Telnet server could not be started due to TCP socket error.
TFTP: can't get to host
level 2
TFTP client could not get to host.
TFTP client: unable to open port
level 2
TFTP client function could not open a UDP port.
TFTP: error rcvd - <message>"
level 2
Received error with <message> from TFTP server.
TFTP: lost communication
level 2
Lost communication to TFTP client or server during transfer.
TFTP server: unable to open port
level 2
TFTP server function could not open a UDP port.